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The Latest News From The Lake St. Catherine Association

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  • 26 Oct 2016 1:54 PM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    Hello Lake St. Catherine!

    In an effort to communicate better with our members and the Lake St. Catherine community, we are excited to launch a new website for the Lake St. Catherine Association.

    We still have some updating to do, so you may see a page or two with "Coming Soon..." or a typo here or there. We'll be working on those... If you see a typo or something that does not look quite right, please let us know.

    There are a lot of new features to tell you about. Here is a brief description of what you'll find in each section of the site.

    The Association:

    In this section, you can read about Our Purpose, Our Bylaws, Our Committees, a list of our Trustees and information about Volunteering.

    The Lake:

    This section contains information about Lake St. Catherine, including: Lake History, Fishing, Recreation, Water Quality & Safety and Milfoil Control.


    One of the great new features of the site is the ability to pay your LSCA online. Members that have paid their 2016 dues will soon receive an email with a link to create your password to access the member area. Here, you will be able to view a Member Directory, update your information (ie. lake address, home address, email, phone number, add a photo, etc.) and renew your yearly membership. There is also a Forum for members to post and reply to discussions.


    Another new feature, the Calendar will list all LSCA events. These will include the monthly board meetings during the summer, the member dinner and the boat parade. We are also considering adding local community events to keep you informed of fun things happening around the lake.


    The News section has 3 sections, Blog, Newsletter and Lost & Found. The Blog will be continually updated to keep you informed about what we are doing and what is going on around the lake.


    Here, we hope to offer our local business members a place for their logo and a link to their website.

    Finally, on the homepage, you'll see that you can make a donation to the LSCA. We appreciate your support!

    Please have a look around, and let us know what you think.

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