The Lily Pond Channel Restoration Project has begun and we'd like to give you an update.
Back in April, the LSCA applied for a permit to “...remove sediment and organic debris from the center of the channel between the Lily Pond and the North Bay of Lake St. Catherine to restore the connectivity, increase water movement, improve water quality, enhance open water habitat and control invasive/nuisance vegetation.”
This permit was approved in June - and the LSCA board voted to appropriate the funds ($35,000) for the project at our final meeting of the season on August 26th.
SOLitude Lake Management started their work on Monday - the first day of an anticipated 10 day work schedule.
Here are some photos of the work in progress from this morning:

We'd also like to update you on our fundraising efforts.
This project will cost $35,000. The LSCA is hoping to raise half this amount ($17,500) from the lake community to help defray the costs for this expensive undertaking.
We are happy to report that good folks in the LSC community have already started pledging donations!
Currently, we have $2,600 in donations and pledges. So, we are off to a good start, but we still have a long way to go.
We also have an anonymous matching offer to tell you about. A very generous LSCA member has pledged to donate an additional $100 for every donation at or above $1,000.
The LSCA would like to thank this member for their matching pledge. We hope the community will take advantage of the offer to make their own donation a bit more valuable to the project.
If you would like to help by contributing to this project, please consider sending in a donation to the Association. You can visit our donation page by clicking here (click the Add To Cart button to enter your donation amount), or by sending in a check to:
Lake St. Catherine Association
P.O. Box 631
Wells, VT 05774
Of our current donations and pledges, some have pledged their amount based on the project beginning, some based on the project completion. Since we'd like to keep the community up-to-date on our fundraising efforts, we'd ask that if you plan on making a donation, please send us a quick note to: to let us know. This will allow us to keep a total of in-hand and pledged donations.
We hope that you will consider donating to help fund this important Lake project. If you have any questions, please contact the LSCA for more information:
Thank you for your support!