For the preservation, protection, and maintenance of Lake St. Catherine
The following is a summary on funding of clean water projects in Vermont compiled by Lake St. Catherine Trustee Martha Pofit. Martha is also on the Board Of Directors of the Federation of Vermont Lakes and Ponds (FOVLAP), focusing on legislative issues.
Background: Federal EPA Requirements
Vermont is required to fund $2.3 billion over the next 20 years to comply with federal pollution reduction orders for Lake Champlain, Lake Memphremagog and other water bodies in the state. Since the 2015 passage of Act 64, Vermont’s Clean Water Act, the state has used short-term sources — such as appropriations from the capital bill — for the majority of its share of the funding. Going forward, Vermont is obligated to identify a stable, long-term clean water funding source.
Governor’s Budget Plan for Long Term Funding
In his budget address, Governor Scott laid out a proposal to use a portion of the estate tax for clean water funding, (while also reducing the number of individuals who would be subject to paying the estate tax). His plan also included using some general fund money generated from the property transfer tax, and other sources. Next year, as an example, the budget calls for a total of $48 million for clean water efforts, including management of the state’s 7,000 miles of dirt roads and on-farm water quality projects. That total includes more than $19 million in federal funds.
Preliminary Legislative Reaction
Legislative leaders have expressed concern about diverting revenue from the general fund and creating a funding gap for other state priorities, as well as the volatility/variability of the estate tax. As an alternative, the Vermont Senate Natural Resources Committee was expected to consider a clean water funding bill that would contain a combination of a per parcel fee and an impervious surface fee.
Advocates Weigh In
The Vermont Water Caucus, (including the Vermont Natural Resources Council, Vermont Conservation Voters, Audubon Vermont, Vermont Chapter of the Sierra Club, Lake Champlain Committee, The Nature Conservancy in Vermont, Connecticut River Conservancy, Watersheds United Vermont, and Conservation Law Foundation.) developed a series of principles to apply to any long-term funding sources.
Federal EPA’s Reaction to the Governors Funding Plan
The federal Environmental Protection Agency gave its preliminary approval February 11 to the plan from the Scott administration to fund clean water projects with existing revenues and create regional districts to implement projects, calling it a “sensible framework” that meets the state’s obligations to provide a long-term source for clean water funding.
Specific Legislative Proposals
Senate bill 96
Senator Bray, D-Addison, introduced S. 96 on February 12.
This bill proposes to establish a Clean Water Board for the receipt and dissemination of Clean Water Funds, sets priorities and eligible entities to receive funds and establishes a Clean Water Assessment on all parcels in the State. Monies collected under the Clean Water Assessment would be deposited in the Clean Water Fund to fund water quality improvement projects in the State. The amount of the Clean Water Assessment shall be approximately $40.00 per parcel, collected by July 1, 2021.
Reported favorably with recommendation of amendment by Senator Bray for the Committee on Natural Resources and Energy on March 2 for the Senate Calendar of March 12.
House bill 171
Rep. Till, D-Jericho, introduced H. 171 that would raise the Clean Water funds through a combination of taxes and fees on parking lots, asphalt sales, hotel rooms, and milk handlers.
Specifically, this bill proposes to establish an impervious surface fee on all parcels in the State. The bill would repeal the sunset of the Clean Water Surcharge on the Property Transfer Tax. The bill also would establish a Water Quality Occupancy Surcharge on the rent of each occupancy in the State. The bill would impose on milk handlers a fee per pound of fluid milk purchased from a milk producer for the purpose of bottling, manufacturing, processing, distribution, or sale of dairy products in the State. The bill would require a manufacturer of asphalt to pay an assessment per ton of asphalt sold in the State each year. The revenue from the impervious surface fee, the Water Quality Occupancy Surcharge, and the asphalt assessment would be deposited in the Clean Water Fund. The revenue from the milk handling fee would be deposited in the General Fund.
On February 27, Committee on Natural Resources, Fish and Wildlife be relieved of the bill, moved to Committee on Ways and Means.
House bill 507
Rep. Dolan, D-Waitsfield, introduced a bill to fund Clean Water Projects through collection of a tax on bottled water at 10 cents per bottle and sugary drinks at 15 cents per bottle. The legislation would also levy a 6 percent tax on barbering or cosmetology services and a .05 percent increase in the income tax.
Specifically, this bill proposes to raise revenue for water quality projects and programs. The bill would establish a 10-cent per bottle tax on bottled water sold in the State. The bill would establish a 15-cent per bottle tax on each bottle of sugar-sweetened beverage sold in the State. The bill would establish a sales tax of six percent on the value of barbering or cosmetology services. The bill would also raise individual income rates by .05 percent. Revenue raised under the bill would be deposited in the Clean Water Fund for the purposes of that Fund, except that 67 percent of the revenue raised from the excise tax on sugar-sweetened beverages would be deposited in the State Health Care Resources Fund for use according to the purposes of the Fund.
On February 28, referred to Committee on Ways and Means.
Federal Funding Announced by Sen. Leahy on Feb 22
More than $20 million in federal funding was appropriated to Lake Champlain in fiscal year 2019- the highest level of annual federal funding to assist clean up efforts. Sen. Patrick Leahy announced the funding at Burlington’s ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, which he helped secure in his role as vice chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee. The figure has more than doubled since 2017.
The specific funding lines are $11 million for the EPA Lake Champlain Program, $7.25 million for the Great Lakes Fishery Commission, $1 million for the Lake Champlain Sea Grant, $500,000 for the U.S. FWS Sea Lamprey Control and $1 million for the International Joint Commission Flood Study.
Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee moves S. 96 to the Senate Floor
On March 1, Senate Natural Resources reported a favorable recommendation to place S.96 on the Senate Calendar for March 12. S.96 would mandate every landowner pay a clean water tax, or “assessment,” of approximately $40 and establish regional planning commissions.
Hello good folks of the Lake St. Catherine community.
It's that time of year again... As the Lake St. Catherine Association heads into its 66th year, we are asking for your support for the 2019 season.
Your membership dues and contributions help fund many of the services provided by the LSCA:
There are two easy ways to renew or become a member of the LSCA.
Soon, you will be receiving a mailing from us that contains the 2019 Membership Form. Just fill out the form and mail it in to our Treasurer Elaine with a check for your dues. We'll also send you an email if we have your address on file.
Or, you can renew or become a member on our website. If you were a member in 2018, click here to renew, or click here to become a new member - and you can pay your dues online with your credit card. If you were a member last year (whether you paid by check or online by credit card), the website has an account ready for you. If you don't remember your password, or never set one up, click on the "Forgot Username/Password?" link, and the site will send you an email with the information.
We'd also like to encourage you to check with your employer to see if they have an Employer Matching Gift Program for charitable donations. Many generous businesses will match donations made by their employees through these programs. So, take a look - you may be able to double your contribution!
If you are a business in the Lake St. Catherine community, we have a Business Sponsor Membership we'd like to tell you about. The Business Sponsor Membership includes:
Your membership and the dues and contributions we receive allows us to accomplish our work. Maintaining the lake costs approximately $125,000 annually. While we do receive annual grants from Poultney, Wells, and the State, membership dues and contributions make up the majority of our funding.
Upon receiving your membership contribution, our treasurer Elaine will mail you a hand-written thank you note, a receipt, a LSCA window card and a LSCA euro sticker:
We appreciate your support!
If you have any questions, please contact us at
The Lake St. Catherine Association, its Board of Directors and members are highly committed to preserving and protecting Lake St. Catherine water quality and its watershed as well as preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species.
Four recent significant developments are worthy of reporting to the LSCA membership and friends:
1. The Board of Directors approved the issuance of a landmark manuscript this fall that was developed during the spring and early summer entitled: “Lake St. Catherine Association Evidence-Based Decision-Making: 1978-2018”.
The manuscript captures the actions taken by LSCA over the past 40 years, gives a current snapshot of issues affecting the Lake and discusses future considerations. It was written by Tufts graduate Philip Hicks of Granville and overseen by LSCA Board members.
2. The LSCA manuscript was highlighted in the Vermont Federation of Lakes and Ponds (FOVLAP) Fall newsletter as a potential template for other lakes and sent to all FOVLAP members. The article and link to the manuscript is identified below:
Manuscript Outlines Issues at Lake St. Catherine A manuscript portraying the past, present and future issues at Lake St. Catherine has been approved by the Board of Lake St. Catherine Association. It is entitled: “Lake St. Catherine Association Evidence-Based Decision-Making: 1978-2018.” The 34-page document and appendices could serve as a template for other lakes seeking a common understanding of lake issues. The report looks at measuring water quality, protecting the watershed, mitigating invasive species, cultivating a healthy ecology for fish and wildlife, and promoting recreational safety. You can review it at:
Manuscript Outlines Issues at Lake St. Catherine
A manuscript portraying the past, present and future issues at Lake St. Catherine has been approved by the Board of Lake St. Catherine Association. It is entitled: “Lake St. Catherine Association Evidence-Based Decision-Making: 1978-2018.” The 34-page document and appendices could serve as a template for other lakes seeking a common understanding of lake issues. The report looks at measuring water quality, protecting the watershed, mitigating invasive species, cultivating a healthy ecology for fish and wildlife, and promoting recreational safety. You can review it at:
3. In December, LSCA Board Member, Martha Pofit was appointed Chair of the Legislative Committee of FOVLAP. In this role, Martha wrote to the Vermont Governor’s office in early January inquiring about federal and state funding for Vermont’s Lakes and received the following response:
“Thank you for your inquiry to the office of Governor Phil Scott, about the status of federal funding for clean water projects and watershed improvement. Fortunately, Vermont continued to receive federal funds through 2018, and we were reassured that federal funding would continue in the future. See our 2018 Federal Funding Report for details of watershed project funding. You may also be interested in the Clean Water Initiative Program’s 2017 Investment Report. The 2018 Investment Report is in preparation for delivery to the State House early in the legislative session and will be posted on the Department of Environmental Conservation’s website at that time. In addition to clean water funding, we receive federal funding to support aquatic invasive species spread prevention and aquatic nuisance control. These funds are used to augment income from motorboat registration fees in support of the Lakes Program’s Grant-In-Aid Program.”
“Thank you for your inquiry to the office of Governor Phil Scott, about the status of federal funding for clean water projects and watershed improvement. Fortunately, Vermont continued to receive federal funds through 2018, and we were reassured that federal funding would continue in the future. See our 2018 Federal Funding Report for details of watershed project funding. You may also be interested in the Clean Water Initiative Program’s 2017 Investment Report. The 2018 Investment Report is in preparation for delivery to the State House early in the legislative session and will be posted on the Department of Environmental Conservation’s website at that time.
In addition to clean water funding, we receive federal funding to support aquatic invasive species spread prevention and aquatic nuisance control. These funds are used to augment income from motorboat registration fees in support of the Lakes Program’s Grant-In-Aid Program.”
Lake St. Catherine will shortly be applying to the Grant-In-Aid Program for its next five year permit and has been aggressive this fall in applying for four grants from the Lake Champlain Basin Program for: Pollution Prevention & Habitat Conservation; Aquatic Invasive Species Spread Prevention; Education and Outreach; and Organizational Support for Membership Recruitment, Retention and Education”
4. Governor Scott presented his Inaugural Address for 2019 to both houses of the Vermont Legislature on January 10 and made two important comments pertaining to Vermont Lakes. Specifically:
“We’re committed to restoring and protecting our lakes and rivers, which will cost Vermonters nearly $1 billion over the next 20 years.”, and “And my budget will propose a long-term funding source for our water quality initiatives, using existing revenues and a new delivery model to put this money to work on the ground.”
“We’re committed to restoring and protecting our lakes and rivers, which will cost Vermonters nearly $1 billion over the next 20 years.”, and
“And my budget will propose a long-term funding source for our water quality initiatives, using existing revenues and a new delivery model to put this money to work on the ground.”
The next step in understanding the “new delivery model” will be the language in the Governor’s Budget Message to the Legislature scheduled for January 24. The full text of the Inaugural Address can be found at read by clicking here. You can read more in this VT Digger article, "Statehouse preview: Eyes on the environment".
Lake St. Catherine Association will continue to be active on all issues affecting the Lake, will represent your interests at the state level, and report important development to the LSCA members.
For further information on any of the above items, feel free at any time to contact LSCA President Jim Canders at
We have some sad news to report.
Longtime LSCA Trustee and LSC resident, Martin Greenberg, has passed away.
LSCA President, Jim Canders wanted to share these thoughts about their friendship and Mart's service to Lake St. Catherine and the LSCA:
"On December 17th, Lake St. Catherine and the Lake St. Catherine Association lost a very good friend with the passing of Martin Greenberg. From his early days when he and Ellen stayed summers at the Lake St. Catherine Inn, when they learned the lake and how to fish it from a group of ladies who also were staying at the Inn, they remained at the lake. Martin was a man for all seasons, and the best time of all for him was spending the entire summer at Lake St. Catherine. Martin and Ellen subsequently purchased a cottage on Bert’s Nest and they spent summers there ever since. Martin involved himself volunteering to help with projects on the lake. He and Ellen became members of the Lake St. Catherine Association (LSCA), and along with Phil and Nancy Alden, Harry and Sylvia Bingham, Frank and Grace Callahan, Bob and Rosalia Williams, Phil and Polly Pope, Steve and Gwen Teetor and Elliott and Eileen Rosen, became a big part of the Trustee’s Board of the LSCA. Serving as Vice President, he worked together with Dan Morris to write and publish the Lake St. Catherine Newsletter twice a year. He was always willing to share his knowledge of the lake and to serve on special committees when a new direction might be needed. As the LSCA moved along into the technology age, Martin worked with a person from RPI, Troy, NY to set up our first web site. He handed this off to Jerremy Jones who has expanded our web site’s capability. I can remember when milfoil control moved into a different stage when herbicides started being applied in lieu of mechanical harvesting. In the beginning of each season a survey of the milfoil in the lake had to be conducted and Martin volunteered his boat which was equipped with a depth finder. He, Jeff Crandall and I would go out fairly early in the morning while the water was clear and calm and the sun was bright. Martin drove the boat, Jeff and I watched from each side of the boat for milfoil. Having the benefit of the bright sunshine, we could see right into the lake and easily spot the milfoil. We recorded our findings on a map of LSC and turned the map over to State of Vermont Water Quality Department. When it came time to take the water samples, Martin was right there again with his boat. We would go to the designated sights, collect and label the bottles, keep them in an ice chest so they did not get too warm and spoil. By the time we finished collecting the samples, it was time for lunch and Ellen would make us a sandwich. During the summer Martin and Ellen would invite my wife and I over to their cottage for cocktails. We would sit on their screened porch and enjoy the Greenberg’s company, the beverages and the view up the lake. Martin, while sipping a single malt scotch, would tell stories of the early years, when he and Ellen came to LSC. He told how you could take the fish you caught that day to the chef at the Inn, he would cook them for you for dinner. Or, about the early years when he and Ellen were first dating, some of the stories were hilarious. These were priceless moments spent with Martin Greenberg and there were far too many to recall, but each time you met with him, there was always a discussion about the lake that indicated just how much LSC meant to him. He will sadly be missed, but I am sure that the memories we each share of Martin will last us for a long time to come. For those who can attend, there is a memorial gathering in Sleepy Hollow, NY on January 6 from 12 Noon – 4 PM with reflections on Martins life, details to follow. Those wishing to send their condolences can do so by sending them to Mrs. Martin Greenberg, 390A Heritage Hills, Somers, NY 10589."
"On December 17th, Lake St. Catherine and the Lake St. Catherine Association lost a very good friend with the passing of Martin Greenberg.
From his early days when he and Ellen stayed summers at the Lake St. Catherine Inn, when they learned the lake and how to fish it from a group of ladies who also were staying at the Inn, they remained at the lake.
Martin was a man for all seasons, and the best time of all for him was spending the entire summer at Lake St. Catherine. Martin and Ellen subsequently purchased a cottage on Bert’s Nest and they spent summers there ever since.
Martin involved himself volunteering to help with projects on the lake. He and Ellen became members of the Lake St. Catherine Association (LSCA), and along with Phil and Nancy Alden, Harry and Sylvia Bingham, Frank and Grace Callahan, Bob and Rosalia Williams, Phil and Polly Pope, Steve and Gwen Teetor and Elliott and Eileen Rosen, became a big part of the Trustee’s Board of the LSCA.
Serving as Vice President, he worked together with Dan Morris to write and publish the Lake St. Catherine Newsletter twice a year. He was always willing to share his knowledge of the lake and to serve on special committees when a new direction might be needed. As the LSCA moved along into the technology age, Martin worked with a person from RPI, Troy, NY to set up our first web site. He handed this off to Jerremy Jones who has expanded our web site’s capability.
I can remember when milfoil control moved into a different stage when herbicides started being applied in lieu of mechanical harvesting. In the beginning of each season a survey of the milfoil in the lake had to be conducted and Martin volunteered his boat which was equipped with a depth finder. He, Jeff Crandall and I would go out fairly early in the morning while the water was clear and calm and the sun was bright. Martin drove the boat, Jeff and I watched from each side of the boat for milfoil. Having the benefit of the bright sunshine, we could see right into the lake and easily spot the milfoil. We recorded our findings on a map of LSC and turned the map over to State of Vermont Water Quality Department.
When it came time to take the water samples, Martin was right there again with his boat. We would go to the designated sights, collect and label the bottles, keep them in an ice chest so they did not get too warm and spoil. By the time we finished collecting the samples, it was time for lunch and Ellen would make us a sandwich.
During the summer Martin and Ellen would invite my wife and I over to their cottage for cocktails. We would sit on their screened porch and enjoy the Greenberg’s company, the beverages and the view up the lake. Martin, while sipping a single malt scotch, would tell stories of the early years, when he and Ellen came to LSC. He told how you could take the fish you caught that day to the chef at the Inn, he would cook them for you for dinner. Or, about the early years when he and Ellen were first dating, some of the stories were hilarious.
These were priceless moments spent with Martin Greenberg and there were far too many to recall, but each time you met with him, there was always a discussion about the lake that indicated just how much LSC meant to him. He will sadly be missed, but I am sure that the memories we each share of Martin will last us for a long time to come.
For those who can attend, there is a memorial gathering in Sleepy Hollow, NY on January 6 from 12 Noon – 4 PM with reflections on Martins life, details to follow. Those wishing to send their condolences can do so by sending them to Mrs. Martin Greenberg, 390A Heritage Hills, Somers, NY 10589."
- Jim Canders
Martin's wife, Ellen, sent along these details about the services:
A celebration of Mart's life will be held Saturday, January 6, 12 PM - 4 PM.
Place: Fine-Freiman home at 22 Lakeview Ave., Sleepy Hollow, NY
By car: Find your way to Route 9 which runs parallel to Hudson River. Sleepy Hollow is south of Ossining and north of Tarrytown.
Coming from north: Not far south of Phelps Memorial Hospital you'll see sign on your right for Sleepy Hollow Manor. Turn right and use GPS to find 22 Lakeview Ave. There'll be a balloon or sign in front of house.
Coming from south: Head north through Tarrytown and watch for sign for Sleepy Hollow Manor on your left. Turn left and use GPS to find 22 Lakeview Ave. There'll be a balloon or sign in front of house.
We'd like to let you know that the 2018 Aquatic Vegetation Management Program Report has been posted to the Links & Downloads section of our website.
In our Links & Downloads section, you'll find helpful links to lake related websites, LSCA documents, helpful and fun downloads (including Lake St. Catherine - A Historical Scrapbook) and 15 years of Aquatic Vegetation Management Program reports.
The 2018 report includes an extensive, lake-wide plant survey, and a recap of the 2018 milfoil herbicide and DASH treatments.
Back in October, we let you know about a certification program being offered by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation.
From the DEC's Natural Shoreland Erosion Control Certification website:
"This Certification Course covers shoreland Best Management Practices, including techniques for erosion control, stormwater management, bioengineering and wildlife habitat protection. Lakeshore owners often rely on professional contractors, landscapers, engineers or other site workers to advice and help them manage their property. The NSECC course teaches contractors both the science for using BMPs and the science of how they work to protect the lake while remaining attractive and appealing to homeowners. All workers certified through this six hour training course will be listed on the Agency of Natural Resources web site and the list will be shared with lakeshore property owners. Those certified through this course will also be given preference for grants and contracts awarded through the new Vermont Clean Water Initiative, and are eligible for professional development credits, including four non-soil credits for Licensed Designers."
The certification courses have taken place, and we'd like to share the listing of professionals now certified:
Professionals Certified in Natural Shoreland Erosion Control Practices PDF
It is extremely important to protect our lake shoreline to prevent stormwater runoff which can... "contain nitrogen and phosphorus pollutants from fertilizers, pet and yard waste. Because stormwater flows over hard surfaces directly into a water body or storm drain, there is no opportunity for soil and plants to filter out pollutants." - US EPA. Keeping these pollutants out of the lake will help with water quality and will help to minimize a nutrient supply for weeds.
If you are planning a project near the lake shore, please consult with one of these certified contractors.
Hello LSC fans.
We wanted to share with you the results of your efforts for #GivingTuesday.
We had 42 contributors giving a total of $6,850!
Unfortunately, we did not receive any matching funds from Facebook. Facebook posted that the matching funds were claimed "in a manner of seconds".
While that is certainly disappointing, we want to sincerely thank you all for your efforts.
Our treasurer Elaine will be reaching out to you with a 2019 membership package, including: a receipt, a LSCA window card, a LSCA euro sticker and a handwritten thank you note.
Our traditional, yearly membership drive will begin in February of 2019.
As you may know, the work the LSCA performs each season, including - but not limited to: milfoil control, water testing & monitoring, boat launch monitoring, lake buoy and marker maintenance and boating safety classes - costs over $125,000. Membership contributions make up over 40% of our funding each year. Your funding support is vital for the LSCA's work each season.
We've also recently applied for $49,000 in grants from the Lake Champlain Basin program to help expand our efforts in 2019. We are always on the lookout for ways to generate funds - and the best way to spend these funds to support the preservation, protection and maintenance of Lake St. Catherine.
Thank you all for your support!
Happy Friday to you all in the LSC community. We'd like to share some upcoming Independence Day activities that will be taking place around the lake during the next week.
...and here we go:
The 6th Annual LSCA Boat Parade!
It is this Sunday, July 1st - starting off in Forest House Bay and making it's way around the lake.
We all know how much fun it is to watch the parade - but it's even more fun to be in it! There is still time to get your friends and family together to come up with an idea and register your boat for the parade.
Prizes are awarded for:
Just look at all these great prizes up for grabs!
The LSCA would like to thank these generous sponsors for providing prizes for the Boat Parade:
Plus, all kids that participate get a free ice cream coupon from Stewart's Shops!
To join in on the parade, please contact Lila Burgner at to register your boat today!
Lake St. Catherine State Park Activities
On Saturday, June 30th:
On Sunday, July 1st:
On Monday, July 2nd:
*programs usually meet by day use beach*
You can find more info about these events on the Vermont State Parks' Lake St. Catherine Page.
The Town Of Wells
Wells Village Library Book & Bake Sale - July 6 & 7 from 9AM - 4PM:
Join the Wells Village Library on July 6th and 7th for our annual book and bake sale! The event will be held at the MWA Annex Building located on VT Route 30 in Wells, VT. Hours are Friday, July 6th, 9:00am – 4:00pm and Saturday, July 7th, 9:00am – 3:00pm. Donations of books, dvds, games, puzzles or baked goods would be much appreciated.
The library also will be selling special raffle tickets for a local bookstore gift certificate. Tickets for this are on sale during both days of the book sale. Tickets are $2 each or 3 tickets for $5. The drawing will be held at the end of the book sale and the winner does not need to be present to win. All proceeds from this event will benefit library programs and collection development.
Book or game donations can be dropped off at the library during normal business hours (Wed 10am-3pm, Th 2-5pm, Fri 3-5pm, Sat 9am-1pm) any time before the book sale or by appointment. Baked goods can be dropped off at the MWA on July 6th and 7th. We are also seeking volunteers to help with set up the week before and on the two days of the event. Please contact the library at 802.645.0611 or by email at if you can help or for more information.
Wells Fire Department Pancake Breakfast - July 1st from 7AM
The Town Of Poultney
Poultney has a big day planned for July 4th: Food, magic, a parade, music, a dance party - and Elvis!
They will then have fireworks at dusk.
Additional information about all the festivities can be found on the Poultney Recreation website.
Otto's Cones Point General Store - Music @ The Moose
Otto's will be featuring live bands and solo musicians on their front porch throughout the summer. They will have 5 musical acts appearing next week, starting on Saturday, June 30th with the Wolf Holler Band from 5PM - 9PM. You can check out their full schedule by clicking here.
Fireworks - Saturday, July 7th at dusk
Lake resident Rick Roberts has informed the LSCA that his fireworks display will occur on Saturday, July 7th. This year, the fireworks will launch from the east side of the lake, near the mouth of Hall's Bay.
Well, that should be enough to keep you busy this week, right? :)
Be safe, have fun, and always be a good steward of the lake.
Enjoy your time at the lake this week!
Hello good folks in the LSC community.
Today, we'd like to let you know about an excellent opportunity for Lake St. Catherine. Yesterday, the LSCA applied for 4 Lake Champlain Basin Program grants, totaling $49,000. Trustee Martha Pofit has been coordinating the LSCA's effort to apply for these grants for the past month - and we are happy to report that they have been submitted!
About the Lake Champlain Basin Program:
"The Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP) works in partnership with government agencies from New York, Vermont, and Québec, private organizations, local communities, and individuals to coordinate and fund efforts that benefit the Lake Champlain Basin’s water quality, fisheries, wetlands, wildlife, recreation, and cultural resources. These efforts are guided by the plan Opportunities for Action. The LCBP works with its program partners, advisory committees, and local communities to implement this plan through a variety of federal, state and local funds. Core funding for the LCBP is through the US Environmental Protection Agency."
"The Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP) works in partnership with government agencies from New York, Vermont, and Québec, private organizations, local communities, and individuals to coordinate and fund efforts that benefit the Lake Champlain Basin’s water quality, fisheries, wetlands, wildlife, recreation, and cultural resources.
These efforts are guided by the plan Opportunities for Action. The LCBP works with its program partners, advisory committees, and local communities to implement this plan through a variety of federal, state and local funds. Core funding for the LCBP is through the US Environmental Protection Agency."
The 4 grants the LSCA applied for include:
A. Pollution Prevention & Habitat Conservation
As part of this grant application, we plan to use these funds to work with the Poultney Mettowee Natural Resources Conservation District (PMNRCD) on the upcoming LSC Stormwater Master Plan to mitigate runoff. We will also be engaging with Lake residents to have their property evaluated for the Lake Wise program. Lake Wise is a program that helps property owners manage their landscaping and shoreline to protect the Lake. Properties that meet all the criteria will be given the Lake Wise Award.
B. Aquatic Invasive Species Spread Prevention
As part of this grant application, we plan to use these funds to expand our milfoil control program - and our boat launch monitoring program.
C. Education and Outreach
As part of this grant application, we plan to use these funds for eduction and outreach to local residents and governments, the state government, and other lake associations and organizations.
D. Organizational Support
As part of this grant application, we plan to use these funds to expand our outreach to the lake community though our website, social media, and mailings & newsletters in an effort to retain, recruit and expand our membership.
Martha did a great job outlining how the LSCA would use these funds to benefit Lake St. Catherine with an integrated plan incorporating all 4 grants. Great job Martha!
As you may know, the LSCA spends over $125,000 a year for the preservation, protection and maintenance of Lake St. Catherine through our various programs and projects, including (but not limited to): milfoil control, boat launch monitoring, water testing and boating safety. Finding and applying for grants, along with retaining and expanding our membership base is extremely important to fund these important programs for the Lake. The LSCA is constantly working to raise money to fund these projects through grants, state and local government support and contributions from the Lake community.
LSCA President, Jim Canders, had this to say in our grant applications:
"The four grant applications address Clean Water and a protected Watershed, Healthy Ecosystems and prevention of Aquatic Invasive Species, Thriving Communities through outreach, education, partnerships and the sharing of best practices; and an Involved Public through a more robust Lake Association with social media tools and communication strategies and great involvement of Lake residents and the local communities.
The purpose of this Comprehensive Plan reflected in these 4 applications is to leverage the good works of the LSCA to date, and to make even greater strides in positioning the LSCA for the future."
Grant award notifications will be made by March 2019. Keep your fingers crossed :)
We'll let you know when the announcement is made.
We'd like to let you know about an excellent opportunity to help support the Lake St. Catherine Association in 2019.
This year, we'll be participating in Giving Tuesday (#GivingTuesday) on our Facebook page.
From the Giving Tuesday website, #GivingTuesday is:
"...a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving."
By participating in #GivingTuesday on our Facebook page, we have the opportunity to DOUBLE your yearly contribution to the LSCA.
How it works:
On Tuesday, November 27th, starting at 8 AM, Facebook and PayPal have pledged to donate up to 7 million dollars to 501(c)(3) charities by matching donations made through the charity's Facebook page.
How is the LSCA participating?:
Each year starting in late February, the LSCA reaches out to the lake community for membership dues to help fund the good work of the LSCA for the season.
This year, we're asking you to consider making your 2019 contribution of $100 or more a few months early to take advantage of this program.
How will this help Lake St. Catherine and the LSCA?:
Well, as you may know, the work the LSCA performs each season, including - but not limited to: milfoil control, water testing & monitoring, boat launch monitoring, lake buoy and marker maintenance and boating safety classes - costs over $100,000. Membership contributions make up over 40% of our funding each year. Your funding support is vital for the LSCA's work each season.
Let's set a goal. If we can collect 10% of our membership contributions on #GivingTuesday, we'd receive approximately $5,000 from members - which would be DOUBLED to $10,000 total! That would be amazing.
How can you participate?:
On the morning of Tuesday, November 27th, starting at 8 AM, you can go to our Facebook page and click on the blue Donate button at the top of our page. A screen will appear for you to type in your credit card information and contribution amount:
This makes your 2019 contribution eligible for matching by Facebook and PayPal! Your $100 (or more) could be doubled to $200! The LSCA will then send you your 2019 thank you package which will include a receipt, a LSCA window card, a LSCA Euro oval sticker and, of course, a note from our treasurer Elaine.
Please note: you will need to have a Facebook account to be able to participate.
When should you make your contribution?:
Facebook and PayPal have committed to matching up to 7 million in funds - so the amount available for matching is limited. So, to maximize the chance that your contribution will be matched, please go to the LSCA Facebook page as soon as you can on Tuesday, November 27th, starting at 8 AM.
So, we hope you'll consider making your 2019 contribution a little early this year - on #GivingTuesday, through our Facebook page - to potentially double your generous donation.
But, we certainly understand if you prefer to not make a credit card payment online - we'll be kicking off our traditional membership drive when mailings go out in February of 2019.
Please save the date!
We'll keep you up-to-date on our #GivingTuesday efforts - and we'll be sure to remind you as we get closer to the big day.
If you have any questions about #GivingTuesday, please let us know - send us an email:
Thank you for your support!
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