Hello LSC fans - we have some great news to share with you about our membership and donation appeal.
A few weeks ago, we sent letters & emails and published postings on our website and Facebook pages detailing our projected budget shortfall for 2019. You can read that posting here. To summarize, we've projected that funding all the programs and services at the level we need to this season will result in a $30k shortfall. Fully funding our 2019 budget without raising additional funds would result in depleting almost half of our savings.
So, we decided that we needed to reach out to the lake community to try to reach non-members, asking them to join - and to our current members, asking if they could make an additional contribution this year to help us make a dent in our projected deficit... and you have responded.
Here is the great news: since our appeal began on July 17th - 21 new members have joined, and we've received just over $20k in membership dues and and donations!
This is amazing. In just over 2 weeks, you've helped us eliminate two thirds of our projected deficit.
Thank you.
We'd also like to thank you for all the kind words we've received... notes in sent in with donations and membership applications, emails, Facebook replies, face-to-face conversations around the lake and at the annual meeting. We appreciate them, and they certainly help to keep us motivated to fulfill our mission of the preservation, protection and maintenance of Lake St. Catherine!
We also hope that you can help us spread the word to your neighbors, friends and family. Let them know about the good work we do for the lake, and ask them to become a member, or make a contribution.
If you have not become a member yet, we hope to earn support.
Information on how to become a member or make a donation are listed below.
Finally, we also want to mention that we are not just relying on our membership for funding. In the Fall, we will be applying for approximately $50k in grants - and we are hopeful we receive some of those funds. We will also continue to work with State and local governments to increase and maintain our current funding levels with them.
Thank you for your continued support of the Lake St. Catherine Association!
Become A Member:
To become a member (or renew your membership), you can join on our website by filling out the form on our Become A Member page, using a credit card. Or, you can fill in this 2019 Membership Application and Donation Appeal form and mail it in with a check.
Make An Additional Donation In 2019:
There are a few ways you can make a donation to the LSCA. You can visit the Donation Page on our website, or click on the blue Donate button at the top of our Facebook page to make your donation by credit card. Or, you can fill in this 2019 Membership Application and Donation Appeal form and mail it in with a check.