For the preservation, protection, and maintenance of Lake St. Catherine
Are you looking to take action and make a positive impact on the lake?
Help protect our valuable natural resource - Lake St. Catherine - through conscious decision making, and participate in the Lake Wise program!
Lake Wise was developed through the Vermont DEC and is meant to provide technical assistance for shoreline landowners looking to incorporate lake friendly living practices on their properties. The Lake Wise assessment focuses on four portions of your property; driveway, structure, recreation area, and shoreline. The follow-up report gives recommendations on which stormwater management practices would be best for your property and the lake.
Awards and certificates are given to properties that receive high scores during their assessment and demonstrate exemplary lake friendly living.
Your Essential Role Within The Watershed
Stormwater has a widespread environmental impact which makes it a growing concern in Vermont. In a statewide effort, towns and local organizations are working to implement large scale projects to help clean stormwater before it enters water bodies. Work is being done from the headwaters all the way down to the stream outlets.
As a shoreline property owner, you have the access and the ability to control what is happening directly at the water's edge.
While small-scale improvements on individual properties may not seem like they have much impact, collectively the implementation of many small projects will have a positive benefit on the water quality in the lake and the surrounding watershed.
Actions now will promote a healthy lake environment that will continue to support swimming, fishing, boating, and wildlife viewing in the future.
Go Native!
Vegetated buffers are one way to help control the stormwater on your property while enhancing your shoreline with beautiful native plants.
Buffers help to filter runoff, infiltrate stormwater, stabilize the soil, and prevent bank erosion. The ideal natural buffer is made up of five layers of vegetation: canopy, understory, shrub, ground cover, and duff layer.
THINK Slow, Infiltrate, and Filter
As stormwater travels across impervious surfaces it carries with it pollutants such as; pesticides, herbicides, oils, road salt, sediment, and nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen. These pollutants have a negative impact on water quality and local wildlife.
Excess nutrients in the water contribute to problems which affect both human and wildlife health including; lower oxygen levels in the water, toxic algae blooms, and excessive plant growth.
The Lake Wise Program on Lake St. Catherine
In the fall of 2019, the LSCA applied for, and received a grant from the Lake Champlain Basin Program to perform Lake Wise assessments on LSC. This grant also includes funds to perform work on your property to help you achieve the Lake Wise award for your property! We are happy to be working with the Poultney Mettowee Natural Resources Conservation District on this important lake project!
Last year, the Binghams earned the first Lake Wise award on LSC:
The Binghams are holding the Lake Wise award sign that you can display on your property.
Let's work together to make your property Lake Wise!
We have 5 more assessment slots that we can schedule in 2020. If you would like to participate and have a Lake Wise assessment for your property, please contact us at to schedule an appointment.
For more information about Lake Wise, please click here to visit the DEC’s Lake Wise website.
Schedule your Lake Wise assessment today!
The Lake St. Catherine Association is pleased to announce that the LSCA Greeter Program has been expanded to the Lake St. Catherine State Park.
In the fall, we applied for, and were awarded a Vermont Watershed grant to expand our Greeter Program to include the State Park. Each year, it's estimated that 1,800 vessels are launched into LSC from the boat launch there. Unfortunately, that grant was canceled due to the COVID-19 situation.
However, we felt it was worth launching a pilot program this year so funds were allocated to get it started.
Our Greeters will be stationed just past the main entrance booth on Fridays and Saturdays from 1:30 - 5:30. These two days and times represent the busiest check in times. This will allow vessels to be inspected as soon as they enter the State Park. Park visitors will also be educated on the dangers of transporting invasive species.
From left to right: Patrick Dundas, Lucas Milazzo and Amy Rohrman.
Patrick and Amy are supervisors at the park - and they have been very supportive of our Greeters.
Our Greeters have been trained to identify invasive species (like spiny waterflea, asian clams, water chestnut, starry stonewort and zebra mussels) to stop them from entering LSC. They also educate boaters about the importance of looking for these invasives on their boat or trailer so they are not spread to LSC or another lake. Each year, they do a fantastic job checking vessels and educating the lake community on the dangers of invasive species for Lake St. Catherine.
Finally, we'd like to thank Reuben Allen, Parks Regional Manager for his support with setting up this pilot program. We hope we will be able to expand our program at the State Park in 2021!
Hello LSC.
Our 2020 Milfoil Control Program is well underway - and we'd like to provide you an update.
ProcellaCOR Treatment
On Wednesday, June 24th, three areas on LSC totaling 18.3 acres were treated with ProcellaCOR (highlighted in red in the attached map). This represents a 52% reduction in the amount of acres that were treated in 2019. Two areas were in the northern end of the lake in North Bay and Lily Pond, the other area was in the Channel south of the bridge. The results have been excellent - as there is no milfoil to be found in these treated areas, 17 days post treatment. We were also very happy to speak with some property owners in the Channel to hear their positive comments and observations about the results.
Suction Harvesting
Our diver assisted suction harvesting (DASH) team began their work on June 27th.
This season, the DASH team will be working in 10 areas, totaling 38.7 acres (highlighted in red in the attached map). This represents a 42% reduction in the amount of acres that were DASH'd in 2019.
Our DASH team sent in this report on their work so far:
"We have already finished Locations C, D, G, and I. Today we started work at location B and have also put in two days of work at location K. All locations were found to have very low density milfoil, I will attach a few photos [see one of these underwater photos below] of what we are generally observing at most sites. We also have surveyed the lake and couldn't find any large milfoil patches, the first time I have ever seen this while working on Lake St. Catherine. Overall the status of milfoil growth in the lake is very low from our observations!"
>> Please note, our DASH team is referring to the areas of LSC that have been part of our Milfoil Control Program over the past several years.
See the attached treatment map to see the locations they are referring to.
Weed Identification
Each season, we receive questions about weeds, so we want to show you some photos so you can clearly identify them.
Here is an image referenced by our DASH team in their report above. It was taken in LSC and shows milfoil and other native plants. As the DASH team mentioned, the milfoil they are seeing is low density. In the image, we have highlighted the milfoil with orange arrows, and an orange rectangle:
Photo credit: LSCA DASH Team
Milfoil is an invasive species of plant that, by permit, we are allowed to address in LSC.
There is another weed in LSC that we receive a lot of questions about called Illinois Pondweed (potamogeton illinoensis). Based on the questions we've received, we know that it's sometimes confused with milfoil - even though they look very different.
This is Illinois Pondweed:
Photo credit: Peter M. Dziuk from the website
This plant will grow to the surface and the stem at the top, called the flower, will extend past the waterline.
Illinois Pondweed is a native plant in LSC, so we are not allowed to treat or DASH it. Native aquatic plants are beneficial for the lake as they create a habitat in the lake ecosystem, cycle nutrients and can help with erosion control and repelling invasives.
Sometimes the pondweed can grow in your dock and swimming areas. You are permitted to hand-pull these weeds if they are a nuisance in these areas. If you do hand-pull any aquatic plants, PLEASE do not leave them in the water! Bring them on shore to dewater and dry out, then dispose of them as you would lawn waste.
We'd also ask that if you see floating weeds in the water, near your dock, or on your shoreline, please remove them from the water. This is ESPECIALLY important with milfoil! Even small fragments of milfoil can seed new beds of milfoil plants.
Looking Ahead
Our DASH team will continue their work into August, and we'll continue to provide you with updates as their work progresses.
We have already started discussing our milfoil control plans for 2021. As we've done since 2004, in October, we will perform a lake-wide plant survey which will evaluate our milfoil control efforts for 2020. This report will guide our plans for 2021. We'll share this report when it becomes available in November.
If you'd like to review the previous LSC Aquatic Plant Surveys, please click here to view them in the Downloads section of our website.
If you have any questions on our Milfoil Control Program, please email us:
2020 Treatment Map:
Are you a member yet? Maintaining the lake costs approximately $125,000 annually. Grants, membership dues and contributions make up the majority of our funding. If you'd like to help, please consider becoming a member or making a donation. The LSCA is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization and any contribution that you make is tax deductible.
We are disappointed that we will not have an in-person Annual Meeting this year due to concerns over COVID-19.
But, we still want to have some face-to-face communication with the lake community in 2020...
So, we have an idea we are calling “Dockside Chats”. A LSCA trustee would schedule a time to meet you (and possibly your neighbors) at your dock to have a quick chat about the lake.
This will allow us to have safe and socially distant interactions with lake property owners so you can have an opportunity to discuss lake issues with the LSCA. We'll hop on our boat or Sea•Doo, or our kayak or paddle board and head over to your dock so you can ask us questions, and we can tell you about the important lake programs this season.
We had our first Dockside Chat yesterday, and it went very well! We think this will be a great way to speak with you about the lake during this unusual time.
If you'd like to schedule a Dockside Chat, please email us at and include some dates and times that would work for you. We'll get right back to you to set up your Dockside Chat.
We look forward to seeing you!
Each July, the Lake St. Catherine Association holds their Annual Membership Meeting & Dinner to update the lake community on lake issues, to give you reports from our committees, and to discuss current and future initiatives for Lake St. Catherine.
However, due to the COVID-19 situation, we have decided that for the safety of everyone, we will conduct a ‘Virtual’ Annual Meeting this year to avoid a large gathering.
This is a disappointing decision, but it is the right one. We thoroughly enjoy getting the membership together to talk about the lake and then share a nice dinner together. But, our first priority has to be the safety of all involved.
So, we are preparing to have a virtual Annual Meeting.
The board is currently preparing our slide presentation which will be chock-full of information about our work this season. The board will then get together in an online meeting room, and we’ll narrate the presentation. This session will be recorded and then posted on YouTube on July 25th for you to be able to watch at your convenience.
We still want you to be part of the meeting!
At the end of our presentation during the Annual Meeting, we always open up the floor to take your questions. So, we have set up this online form so that you can submit a question that we can answer during the virtual meeting:
Submit your question by clicking here.
Or, you can email your question to
You can choose to include your name, or submit your question anonymously. Questions can be submitted until Friday, July 24th. At the end of the presentation, the board will answer your questions, and they will be included in the recording.
Another important part of the Annual Meeting is the election of trustees. This has traditionally been done by our Nominating Committee Chair Bob Williams announcing the slate of candidates and the assembled membership gives a collective “aye”. Since we cannot do that this year, we will post an online ballot so you can cast your vote. To vote, you need to be a member in good standing, so the ballot will ask for your name and email address. The candidates being put forth by the Nominating Committee are: Jim Canders, Jeff Crandall, Jerremy Jones, Martha Pofit, Bob Williams. Any additional nominations must be received by July 14th, and any candidate must be a member in good standing and give 10-days notification of his/her intent to run to the Nominating Committee. Information on voting will appear with the link to view the Annual Meeting recording.
Once the recording of the presentation is complete and available on YouTube, we will post the link on our website, on our Facebook page, and we’ll email it to all the email addresses we have on file.
Finally, we are looking at safe ways to have face-to-face interactions with our membership this season. We have an idea we are calling “Dockside Chats”. A LSCA trustee would schedule a time to meet you (and possibly your neighbors) at your dock to have a quick chat about the lake. More on this soon.
If you have any questions about the 2020 Annual Meeting, please let us know - you can email us at Thank you for your support of the Lake St. Catherine Association!
We hope you all enjoyed the boat parade this year...
Did you happen to notice Boat #2, "Zebra Mussels - NOT In Our Lake!"?
We'd like to introduce you to the young adults participating on this boat - who are also the same hard working young adults that staff the boat launch as part of the LSCA Greeter Program.
From left to right: Brock Baker, Kate Hayes, Naomi Haviland, Levi Haviland, Lucas Milazzo.
Our Greeters have been trained to identify invasive species (like spiny waterflea, asian clams, water chestnut, starry stonewort and zebra mussels) to stop them from entering LSC. They also educate boaters about the importance of looking for these invasives on their boat or trailer so they are not spread to LSC or another lake.
Each year, they do a fantastic job checking vessels and educating the lake community on the dangers of invasive species for Lake St. Catherine. They appreciate your patience as you launch your boat so they can follow all the new safety guidelines.
Keeping invasive species out of LSC is extremely important - so for the past 2 years, we have worked to increase the days and hours that Greeters are are on duty at the boat launch.
The Greeters boat theme was designed to raise awareness of zebra mussels. Zebra mussels are an invasive, fingernail-sized mollusk that is native to fresh waters in Eurasia. Their name comes from the dark, zig-zagged stripes on each shell. Zebra mussels negatively impact ecosystems in many ways. They filter out algae that native species need for food and they attach to and incapacitate native mussels. Unfortunately, zebra mussels were recently discovered in Lake Dunmore, only 40 miles north of Lake St. Catherine.
We'd like to thank the Greeters for participating in the boat parade - but most importantly, we'd like to thank them for their work at the boat launch!
Finally, we'd like to thank their grandfather, Rod Willard for working the boat launch while the parade was going on. At 80 years old, he has proclaimed himself the oldest Greeter on duty in Vermont!
Rod Willard and his daughter, Marcia Baker.
So, a big thank you to all involved! Great job!
We hope you all enjoyed participating in, and watching the 8th Annual LSC Boat Parade!
The votes are in, and we have our winners...
Most Patriotic:
Boat #8 - The Dunbar Family - "Party Like A Patriot"
Boat #9 - The Lutz & Harris Families - "Fowl Play"
Most Original:
Boat #14 - The Mroz Family - "Ice Cream Boat"
Best Overall:
Boat #1 - The Conine Family - "Ski School"
Thanks for voting!
With our local businesses working as hard as they can to stay open, we did not ask for prize donations and sponsors this year. Instead, we ask that you do your best to support our sponsors from last year. They are:
Our 2019 sponsors:
Nicely done LSC!
The 8th Annual LSCA Boat Parade was a great success - thank you to all the participants and all of you cheering from your boats and from the shore.
Now it's time for you to place your vote!
Click the attached link to see all the photos of the boats and vote for your favorite in these categories:
Voting will be open until 7 PM tonight. We will announce the winners soon after.
Click here to vote:
We also hope you will consider supporting the LSCA's mission to preserve, protect and maintain Lake St. Catherine. Please click here to make a donation or click here to become a member.
Please spread the word - and get your votes in!
Thank you!
The Boats:
On Saturday, June 27th, the Lake St. Catherine Association held their second meeting of the 2020 season.
The Trustees gave their reports on many topics - Click here to see the full meeting agenda. Meeting minutes compiled by Kemi McShane Bostock.
June 27th 2020 Meeting of the Lake St. Catherine Board of Trustees
Google Meet - Online Meeting, 8:30 AM
Meeting Called to Order by President, Jim Canders at 8:40 AM.
Attendance: Jim Canders, Elaine Bagley, Frank Callahan, Jeff Crandall, Bob Williams, Jerremy Jones, Ken Abt, Ed Laird, Nancy Liberatore, Kemi McShane Bostock, Mary Jo Teetor
Absent: Martha Hicks Pofit, John Belnavis, Rob Nesbit
Prior to the meeting:
MJ will comment on a virtual meeting with Oliver Pierson concerning his position on this year’s lake programs.
Jerremy will discuss the disposal of the conveyor at Wescott’s Garage and payment.
Jim Canders, President called the Meeting to order at 8:40 AM.
Jerremy comments on his work with the LSCCF (Lake St. Catherine Conservation Fund) representative, Rick Newell about the potential LSCA/ LSCCF meeting. An outline / framework was established to manage the meeting. MJ recommended Gary Kupferer to be the moderator. He agreed to work for free for a non-profit organization. It was discussed with Rick about limiting the Q and A time. The Moderator would be in control and be able to mute the speaker if exceeded speaking timeframe.
Each group would invite scientific panelists to make a 20 minute presentation, then engage in a 60 minute alternating Q&A. The first 20 minutes would be reserved for the scientific panelists, then 40 minutes of open Q&A with panelists and board members. We will also solicit questions from the lake community to be asked and answered during this session.
MJ wanted to reach out to VT DEC - Misha to check and see if the format was OK. Misha is willing to attend the meeting, along with some colleagues to offer a critical view of aeration as a lake management tool to help Little Lake. Jennifer Jones is anticipated to be the invited panelist for the LSCCF offering her pro view on aeration.
The rules / outline will be run by Gary so he is comfortable with the format.
Board ok with the format to move forward to set a date for the meeting between the two groups. Have time to get comfortable with the technology and how to use it. Send a copy to Misha and establish who can attend. Hopefully get a meeting slated for late July / early August.
MJ meeting with Oliver Pierson, who is the new Lakes and Ponds manager. Discuss the funding and the AIS grant. See if the money is approved for distribution. Hilary has not heard and is too late to receive the money for the DASH and Greeters programs. Oliver wants mtg for storm water action plan and that is an important piece for future funding. Talk about dates for meeting, will be an hour long and will take Q&A.
Storm Water Action Plan: funding for AIS money could go elsewhere. Oliver oversees Misha and Hilary’s funding.
Oliver to be invited to the LSCA July meeting. Meet with him beforehand. Hope to set it up for Saturday, July 25th before our Board meeting.
Discussion for the Annual Virtual Meeting: voting issues, two-week advance notice for additions to the Slate of Trustees.
Bob discussed the incumbents’ as the Slate of candidates. Ed posted candidates for trustees to vote for and to contact Board if interested in running for the open slot. Jim, there is one position to be filled.
Hillary joined the meeting at 9:00. She discussed the storm water projects and wants Oliver to know the Action Plan is already in place and has received approval for 6 projects. Applying for funding to implement these projects. She itemized each project, the perspective plans and map, and the project design and the rationale behind each project.
Ferncliff Road- water crosses Rt. 30. There is instability and erosion into the Lily Pond. Goal to stabilize the area.
Ferncliff Road - Visible from the road, drainage from the yard, step pools (Dan Collins) before get to the Lake. Collects water from driveways, drainages from culverts on properties at Pope’s property.
State boat launch- wetlands coordinating with Fish & Wildlife. Design infiltration system in the parking area.,
Wells’ Town Park - erosion on properties to re-route the water at the entrance road to the Park. Collaborate with the Town as building a pavilion in the Park. Needs permits due to wetlands.
Lake Luccidian - sediment floods the road.
Quinn Cove - recreating drainage
Discussion of timeline for these 6 projects. Hope to accomplish all this summer; might have to wait on some for next year. Bob W. discussed the stormwater runoffs from the Butternut Hill Road from the condos and Gem Way.
Business Meeting began at 9:21
Old Business - Fireworks discussed. Will look into this and confirm date and time. Slated for July 3, 2020 late in the evening.
New Business - Frank has a 3D carving of the LSC map. Charlie Holcomb makes them. Possible item for a fundraising/raffle prize. Bob discussed concern for the confusion of the 911 numbers for the Lake. MJ stated that the municipalities are responsible to update the addresses and numbers. MJ reported that the heat wave and weather conditions caused a cyanobacteria bloom. People and animals should stay out of water when occurring. Jerremy reported on a SOLitude webinar.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was requested. Frank made a motion to adjourn the meeting Second by Jim, All in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 10:33 Saturday, June 27, 2020.
Minutes respectfully submitted by the recording Secretary, Kemi McShane Bostock
Hello LSC!
Well, we've all been through a tough Spring... Summer is here, and things are still uncertain as we have so many things to be worried and concerned about.
While all these concerns will still be with us after this weekend, hopefully we can all take a break and spend some time having fun as we celebrate Independence Day.
On Friday, July 3rd, lake residents Rick Roberts and Jack Williams will be putting on a fireworks display set to music. Rumor has it that they will be launching 1 hour's worth of fireworks in 30 minutes. The barge is set up on the east side of the lake, off of Cones Point by Route 30:
Thank you to Rick and Jack for their efforts!
Then on Saturday, July 4th, starting at 1 PM in Forest House Bay, the 8th Annual LSCA Boat Parade will make its way around the lake.
There is still time to register your boat if you'd like to participate - email us at to register and get a boat number.
There will be some important changes this year due to the current COVID-19 situation:
1. There will be no prizes this year. With our local businesses working as hard as they can to stay open, we will not be asking for prize donations and sponsors this year. Instead, we ask that you do your best to support our sponsors from last year. They are:
Our winners will of course receive bragging rights for the rest of the season :)
2. We will not have judging stations for safety reasons. However, we will take photos of every boat, and we will post them online for the entire lake to vote on in an easy to use voting survey. We'll set a time range to cast your votes, and we'll announce the winners for each category that evening. Stay tuned for more details on how to vote on Saturday which we posted here on our website and on our Facebook page.
Parade route:
Please have a fun and safe 4th of July weekend at Lake St. Catherine. Be well, be kind, and be considerate of others on the lake.
Thank you.
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