On Tuesday, June 22nd 2021, Lake St. Catherine will be treated for milfoil. Please see the attached advisory notice and map.

In cooperation with Misha Cetner from the Vermont Department Of Environmental Conservation and SOLitude Lake Management (SLM), the Lake St. Catherine Association would like to inform the community that the lake will be treated for milfoil on Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021.
On May 13th, biologists from SLM and LSCA Trustees visited the lake to perform a milfoil survey. They have identified areas to be treated with ProcellaCOR and areas to be suction harvested.
During and after the treatment, please be aware of the following lake water use restriction recommendations:
• NO USE of Lake St. Catherine waters and water from the outlet stream FOR ANY PURPOSE including boating, fishing, swimming, domestic (household) use or irrigation, the day of treatment on:
Tuesday, June 22, 2021, beginning at 9 am
• Swimming/wading, boating, fishing and domestic (household) use may resume on:
Wednesday, June 23, 2021, beginning at 9 am
• USE of water from Lake St. Catherine FOR IRRIGATION PURPOSES including for watering lawns, trees, or other plants may resume on:
Wednesday, June 29, 2021, beginning at 9 am or earlier based on sampling results, please refer to the website below for results
Please refer to www.solitudelakemanagement.com/vermont for additional information and updated water use advisories and recommendations.
Along with the herbicide treatment, areas have been selected for DASH. DASH is an acronym for Diver Assisted Suction Harvesting. This process involves scuba divers using suction hoses powered by a surface compressor to selectively remove milfoil from the lake bottom. They will be working throughout the season to remove milfoil by the roots in these designated areas.
Here is a map of the treatment areas for ProcellaCOR (red & blue) and DASH (green):

The milfoil located in the green DASH areas is very sparse.
- LSCA Permit Application
- Draft Permit
- SePRO ProcellaCOR® EC Specimen Label
- SePRO ProcellaCOR® EC Safety Data Sheet
If you have any questions about the upcoming milfoil treatment, please email us at info@lakestcatherine.org.
3-Year Little Lake Milfoil Control Plan
The treatment in Little Lake represents the first year of our 3-year plan to help control milfoil in Little Lake. In partnership with the Lake St. Catherine Conservation Fund (LSCCF), we have been conducting a fundraiser to help fund this plan. To date, we have raised over $17,000. While we have enough funds to cover projects costs this year, we'll need to continue to fundraise for 2022. We hope you can help support this joint venture to control milfoil in Little Lake. To learn more about the plan, or to make a donation, please visit the project page here: https://lakestcatherine.org/little-lake-milfoil-control
Have You Become A Member In 2021?
Our 2021 Membership Drive is underway, and membership mailings have gone out. You can also download a copy by clicking here: 2021 LSCA Membership Form PDF. Just fill out the form and mail it in to our Treasurer Elaine with a check for your dues.
Or, you can renew or become a member on our website. If you were a member in 2020, click here to renew, or click here to become a new member - and you can pay your dues online with your credit card. If you were a member last year (whether you paid by check or online by credit card), the website has an account ready for you. If you don't remember your password, have never logged in, or if you have not logged into the new website launched in December, please click here to set or reset your password.
We'd also like to encourage you to check with your employer to see if they have an Employer Matching Gift Program for charitable donations. Many generous businesses will match donations made by their employees through these programs. So, take a look - you may be able to double your contribution!
Your membership and the dues and contributions we receive allows us to accomplish our work. Maintaining the lake costs approximately $125,000 annually. While we do receive annual grants from Poultney, Wells, and the State, membership dues and contributions make up the majority of our funding.
Upon receiving your membership contribution, our treasurer Elaine will mail you a hand-written thank you note, a receipt, a LSCA window card and a LSCA can koozie.
Thank you for your support of the LSCA!