Two components of our Milfoil Control Program are education & outreach and volunteer milfoil clean up. In 2 weeks, we hope you'll join us to learn how you can help to stop the spread of milfoil in Lake St. Catherine.
On Sunday, June 5th at 8 AM, we hope to see you at the Wells Lakeside Park for the Milfoil Cleanup Community Day kickoff.
We'll discuss the Milfoil Control Program for the season, then volunteers that would like to participate can head out onto the lake in kayaks, boats, canoes, and SUPs to scoop up floating milfoil and other detached plants and place them on the drop off float that has just been set up in the Channel south of the bridge:

Thank you to Dawn and Joel for allowing the float to be anchored in front of their property, and thank you to Captain Stew for towing the float into place - and tying proper knots to secure it in place.
The float is not pretty, but we think MacGyver would be proud of our use of barrels, shipping pallets, rope, landscaping fabric, and our trusty Swiss Army Knife to create it.
You can read a summary of last year's effort here: "Weed Cleanup In The Channel & Little Lake - Thank You!".
Feel free to start scooping and dropping off. We'll keep an eye on the float, and will remove the collected milfoil and other detached plants as needed. The float will stay in place until the fall.
Everyone around the lake can contribute to the Stop The Spread of milfoil effort. Here are some best practices:
- As a general rule, get as much milfoil out of the lake as possible. Let it dry out on land and dispose of it as you would yard waste.
- Don’t drive through milfoil patches with your boat which will create fragments.
- If you have milfoil on your prop, don’t just reverse and drive away, please remove it from the lake.
- If you have milfoil growing in your dock or swimming area, pull it out by the roots and remove it from the lake.
- If you see milfoil floating anywhere in the lake, near your dock, or along your shoreline, remove it from the lake.
- Obey boating regulations by traveling at no-wake, 5 MPH speeds within 200’ of the shoreline.
Let us know if you have any questions at
We hope to see you on June 5th!