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The Latest News From The Lake St. Catherine Association

  • 28 Jul 2023 7:56 AM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    On Saturday, July 22nd, the Lake St. Catherine Association held their third meeting of the 2023 season.

    Attendance: Jim Canders, Jerremy Jones, Mary Jo Teetor, Kemi McShane, Frank Callahan, Ed Laird, Lisa Micich, John Belnavis, Rob Nesbit, Bob Williams, Jeff Crandall, Mark Shea, Nancy Liberatore. Absent: Mike Gay, Sue Williams

    Guests: None

    Call to Order: President Jim Canders called the meeting to order at 8:08. 

    Public Comment: None.

    Approval of Meeting Minutes: Minutes of June 24, 2023 posted. Motion to accept the minutes as presented, made by Frank, seconded by Mark. All in favor, so moved.

    Treasurer’s Report: Mary Jo Teetor, MJ presented the report and discussed expenditures, income from donations, sale of land, membership dues, and grants & funding (some have not been received) and some allocations from the previous year are reflected in the report. Motion to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented made by Lisa, and seconded by Mark. All in favor, so moved. Next, Ed presented the Purchasing Policy he had drafted, following state guidelines. All in favor, so moved. After further discussion, Ed will make some slight language changes and present the final draft at the August meeting for a vote. Once adopted, the policy will be sent to our CWSP to complete our qualifications. 

    Annual Meeting: John Belnavis, John discussed the plans for the evening including the room set-up and breakdown from the meeting to the dinner. The Board approved facility fee of $350.00 which will be paid to the LSCCC. Dinner was a sold-out event, expecting 100 attendees. Jerremy ran through the presentation slides and made suggested adjustments.

    Milfoil Management: Jeff Crandall, Jeff reported on the DASH team's work in North, Oxbow, and Horseshoe Bays. Mentioned working with Arrowwood for the fall plant survey, and a brief discussion was had about alewifes and water clarity.

    Water Quality: Mary Jo Teetor, Mary Jo discussed E. coli tests at the State Park, a concern due to the heavy rain - all clear. There was also a brief discussion of the LBA's permit denial, our new permit, and the upcoming wake boat meetings being held by the state in early August. 

    Publicity: Jerremy Jones, Jerremy discussed getting the word out with posts on our Blog, Facebook pages, emails to membership. We'll have a booth and give a presentation at East Poultney Day on Aug 12.

    Lake Safety: Frank Callahan & Mike Gay, Mike discussed the need to recruit some volunteers (Buoy Buddies) for some buoys around the lake.

    A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:55, seconded and all in favor, so moved. 

    Next meeting: August 26, 2023 at 8:30 AM LSC CC.

    Meeting minutes compiled by Kemi McShane.

  • 23 Jul 2023 7:16 AM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    Hello LSC.

    Thank you to all who attended the LSCA's Annual Meeting & Dinner - we had a packed house!

    We hope you you enjoyed our guest speakers, our presentation, and having a great dinner with your lake neighbors.

    The LSCA would like to thank the Lake St. Catherine Country Club and their staff for hosting us, our guest speakers Justin Turner and Pat Suozzi, and the local and state officials who joined us for the evening. 

    If you were unable to join us, you can view the full presentation on YouTube:

    If you have any questions about the presentation, please let us know, we'd be happy to answer them. You can reach us at info@lakestcatherine.org

    Thank you!

  • 17 Jul 2023 9:22 PM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    Lakes and Ponds Program Manager Oliver Pierson has issued this statement about the recent flooding in Vermont,

    "A Statement from the Vermont DEC Lakes and Ponds Program After the July 2023 Floods"

    Read it here: https://vermontlakes.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Statement-from-the-Vermont-DEC-Lakes-and-Ponds-Program-after-the-July-2023-Floods.pdf

  • 17 Jul 2023 12:52 PM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    > UPDATE

    Lake resident Russ Rosinski has taken care of the debris, so we'll not need to meet on Sunday the 23rd for a cleanup. Thanks Russ!

    Original posting:

    Good afternoon LSC.

    We've been contacted about the debris that has piled up on the dam at Lake's End, and we've made plans to both organize volunteers and head down to the dam to do a cleanup this Sunday, July 23rd at 8 AM.

    We did this back in 2021, and the gathered volunteers helped us make quick work of the cleanup. You can read about that effort here: https://lakestcatherine.org/blog/10629912

    If you'd like to help out on Sunday, send us an email to info@laketscatherine.org to let us know you'll be there.


    The dam at Lake's End, Lake St. Catherine

  • 12 Jul 2023 6:19 PM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    Today, we and the Poultney Mettowee Natural Resources Conservation District were very happy to host Lake Shoreland Coordinator Alison Marchione from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation at Lake St. Catherine as Alison conducted a Lake Wise training.

    All these fine folks were learning how to perform Lake Wise assessments for Lake St. Catherine, and other local lakes.

    Thank you Alison, and all the trainees!

    Lake Wise is a DEC program that works with lake property owners to help make their shoreline lake friendly.

    If you would like to participate in Lake Wise this season, please email us at info@lakestcatherine.org - we have a few spots left!

    Finally, a cool stat that we learned today... Since the program's inception in 2014, 780 Lake Wise assessments have been performed, and 81 of those have taken place on Lake St. Catherine! That's over 10% of all the Lake Wise assessments in the State! This is a fantastic testament to the commitment of our lakeshore owners to work to preserve and protect beautiful Lake St. Catherine.

    Please consider signing up! Learn more here: https://lakestcatherine.org/lake-wise-program

    This Lake St. Catherine Association project is made possible by a grant earned from the Lake Champlain Basin Program & NEIWPCC, and is partially funded by the US EPA. The LSCA has again earned a grant from the Lake Champlain Basin Program to perform Lake Wise assessments and implement projects for 2023.

    Vermont DEC Lake Wise training at Lake St. Catherine

    EPA, LCBP, NEIWPCC logos

  • 10 Jul 2023 7:18 PM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    Good evening LSC, we hope you are dry and safe this evening.

    Our Game Warden Justin Turner sent us this update about Game Warden patrols at the lake through the 4th of July weekend to pass along to the lake community. He will be providing updates throughout the season, and this is his third update.

    We thank Justin for his work, and providing these updates to the lake community!

    Justin's Report:

    “Game Wardens conducted efforts leading into the 4th of July weekend to include evening patrols. On Saturday July 1st Wardens made an arrest for boating while intoxicated.

    Throughout patrols Wardens continue to address wake violations, unregistered motorboats, personal flotation device violations, and operation of jet skis after sunset.

    As a reminder, the operation of personal watercraft (aka jet ski) is prohibited between sunset and sunrise. Here is a link that that statute, Vermont title 23 V.S.A. 3312a; https://legislature.vermont.gov/statutes/section/23/029/03312a

    During every patrol Wardens are issuing safety inspection stickers to multiple boats for having all the required safety equipment, valid registration, boaters’ safety card, etc. Stay safe and keep enjoying the lake!”

    Thank you to Justin for working to keep us all safe on the lake, and for providing these updates.

    You can read more about boating rules, and how to contact Justin on our Lake Safety page here: https://lakestcatherine.org/lake-safety

    Finally, Justin will be one our guest speakers at the LSCA's Annual Meeting & Dinner on July 22nd at 6 PM at the LSC Country Club. You can click here to RSVP, and reserve a dinner: https://lakestcatherine.org/event-5329309 - please join us!

    Lake St. Cathrine's Game Warden Justin Turner

  • 7 Jul 2023 11:56 AM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    Hello LSC, we have more exciting news to share with you today!

    Based on the FANTASTIC ideas and grant proposal created by Wells Village Librarian Gina Ellis, the Lake St. Catherine Association and the Wells Village Library were awarded an Education & Outreach grant for $20,360 by the Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP) for a series of initiatives and events in support of Libraries Love Lakes!

    Libraries Love Lakes is an outreach project which pairs school and public libraries with lake scientists to provide collaborative programming emphasizing the importance of lakes in our everyday lives.

    Last year, the inaugural Libraries Love Lakes event took place on July 3rd at the Wells Lakeside Park. Nine presenters offered opportunities for stewardship-based, hands-on, lake-related learning, and families were given lake-themed kits that included numerous books and activities. Boat tours were also provided to get attendees out on the lake to learn more about beautiful Lake St. Catherine. This effort also led to the creation of a new section in the Wells Village Library called "The Lake St. Catherine Collection."

    This new Libraries Love Lakes project is entitled: "Libraries Love Lakes II: Conveying an Understanding of How Lake St. Catherine Fits to the Broader Watershed in order to Promote Inter/Intra-Community Collaboration and Sound Stewardship," and it is chock-full of fun and educational activities!

    Libraries Love Lakes II includes:

    • The creation of an interactive watershed model of Lake St. Catherine

    • The creation of a Lake St. Catherine mascot through community participation

    • Expanding "The Lake St. Catherine Collection" at the library

    • Four seasonal themed, hands-on, fun & educational events for winter, spring summer & fall, which will include a larger summer event at the Lake St. Catherine State Park

    Work on this project will begin in December, with the first event based on the winter theme taking place in February 2024.

    We'll keep you up-to-date as this project progresses!

    Libraries Love Lakes on Lake St. Catherine 2022

    The Lake St. Catherine Collection at the Wells Village Library

  • 3 Jul 2023 1:17 PM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    On Saturday, June 24th, the Lake St. Catherine Association held their second meeting of the 2023 season.

    Attendance: Jim Canders, Jerremy Jones, Mary Jo Teetor (Online), Kemi McShane (Online), Frank Callahan, Ed Laird, Mike Gay (Online), Sue Williams (Online), Lisa Micich, John Belnavis. Absent: Bob Williams, Rob Nesbit, Jeff Crandall, Mark Shea, Nancy Liberatore

    Guests: None

    Call to Order: President Jim Canders called the meeting to order at 8:35. 

    Public Comment: None.

    Approval of Meeting Minutes: Minutes of May 27, 2023 posted. Motion to accept the minutes as presented, made by Frank, seconded by Lisa. All in favor, so moved.

    Treasurer’s Report: Mary Jo Teetor, MJ outlined 2023 income and expenditures, Lake Wise payment to PMNRCD, DASH contract, Arrowwood and limnologist contracts, and discussed completed land sale. Jerremy will draft an announcement. Motion to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented made by Frank, and seconded by John. All in favor, so moved.

    Annual Meeting: John Belnavis, John outlined the plan for the CC and the Annual Meeting. Dinner choices will be chicken piccata, baked haddock, prime rib. CC can support up to 80 dinners, need to have count by the Friday before meeting. John suggested $375 for facility fee to the CC. Motion made by John, seconded by Lisa, All in favor, so moved. Guest speakers mentioned were Pat Suozzi from FOVLAP, our Game Warden Justin Turner. Also discussed reaching out to town boards and legislators. Jerremy will reach out, start on presentation. There was also a brif discussion about the LSCA's upcoming presentation at East Poultney Day.

    Milfoil Management: DASH team report was read, They began hand-pulling near the State Park, will be ready to start full DASH operations on July 1. They will start on areas identified in the May survey as moderate density - North Bay and the Channel. 

    Boat Launch Greeter Program: John Belnavis, John reported that he had some initial issues with staffing, but now has a good crew in place. Lots of floating milfoil in the channel. Discussed Arrowwood taking over the plant survey, and will use SOLitude's existing GPS points.

    Water Quality: May Jo Teetor, lay monitoring bi-weekly. Also discussed limnologist Emily Porter-Goff’s presentation and recommendations for water testing. Discussed gradual increase in water clarity since 1998 from DEC charts. 

    Publicity: Jerremy Jones, Jerremy reported about recent appearances at the Town 2 Trails open house at Poultney High School, and the Milfoil Control meeting at the Wells Lakeside Park. Keeping the website and Facebook pages up-to-date with all the latest news.

    Lake Safety: Frank Callahan & Mike Gay, new buoys are being placed, with a few left to put out. Frank spoke about the first boating license class, the second one is happening next week.

    Nominating Committee: The 5 trustees whose terms end in 2023 all indicated that they would serve another term: Jim, Jeff, Jerremy, Sue, Bob.

    Membership: Jerremy Jones, 350 members, getting closer to our goal of 400. Nudge postcards will be sent to those who have been members in the past but not yet renewed for 2023.

    Grants / Government Relations: Discussed continued work on grants. Quarterly reports will be due in early July.

    New & Old Business: Discussed East Poultney Day & and our presentation, boat parade signups are low, upcoming Lake Wise training at LSC - DEC to drop off award plaques for 2022 winners, Libraries Love Lakes grant earned in partnership with Wells Village Library, upcoming permit renewal, our Game Warden's new weekly updates to the lake community, the upcoming DEC wake boat meetings on the draft rule, 

    A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 10:20, seconded and all in favor, so moved. 

    Next meeting: July 22, 2023 at 8:00 AM LSC CC, followed by the Annual Meeting & Dinner later that evening at 6 PM.

    Meeting minutes compiled by Kemi McShane & Jerremy Jones.

  • 1 Jul 2023 9:45 PM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    The results are in, and after 177 votes, here are your winners of the LSCA's 11th Annual Boat Parade:

    Most Original: Boat #1 - Unidentified Floating Object - The Goldman Family

    Most Original: Boat #1 - Unidentified Floating Object - The Goldman Family

    Most Patriotic: Boat #3 - 4th of July / Fireworks - Joseph Cheslawski

    Most Patriotic: Boat #3 - 4th of July / Fireworks - Joseph Cheslawski

    Funniest: Boat #11 - Sunnyside 5th Generation - Megan Caswell

    Funniest: Boat #11 - Sunnyside 5th Generation - Megan Caswell

    Best Overall: Boat #6 - Groovin On The Lake 2.0 - Christine & Mike Gay

    Best Overall: Boat #6 - Groovin On The Lake 2.0 - Christine & Mike Gay

    THANK YOU to all our participants - fantastic creativity all around, and to Karen Velsor for the photos!

    If you enjoyed the boat parade, please consider becoming a member of the Lake St. Catherine Association to support our work for the benefit of LSC. We have multiple membership levels for you. You can learn more about becoming a member here: https://lakestcatherine.org/become-a-member

    Thank you, and have a safe and fun 4th of July weekend!

  • 1 Jul 2023 6:48 PM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

    Hello LSC - we hope you enjoyed the 11th Annual Boat Parade!

    Cast your vote: https://forms.gle/F6jiLGU491d2CHXe6

    THANK YOU to all the participants! Your enthusiasm and creativity was fantastic!

    ...and thank you to Karen Velsor for all these fantastic photos!

    The poll will be open until 9 PM.

    If you enjoyed the boat parade, please consider becoming a member of the Lake St. Catherine Association to support our work for the benefit of LSC. We have multiple membership levels for you. You can learn more about becoming a member here: https://lakestcatherine.org/become-a-member

    Thank you, and have a safe and fun 4th of July weekend!

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Lake St. Catherine Association
PO Box 631
Wells, VT 05774

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