On Saturday, August 27th, the Lake St. Catherine Association held their fourth and final meeting of the 2022 season. Meeting minutes compiled by Jeremy Jones.
Attendance: Jim Canders, Jerremy Jones, Mary Jo Teetor, John Belnavis, Frank Callahan, (Online) Ed Laird, Nancy Liberatore, Mike Gay, (Online) Jeff Crandall, (Online) Mark Shea, Sue Williams. Absent:, Bob Williams, Lisa Micich, Kemi McShane, Rob Nesbit
Guests: None
Call to Order: President Jim Canders called the meeting to order at 8:33.
Public Comment: None.
Floor To Ed Laird: To accommodate Ed’s schedule, Jim started the meeting by giving the floor to Ed to discuss the land donation to the LSCA and the LSCA conflict of interest policy. Ed reported that the closing of the land should be soon, and then the property can be listed for sale, with a target of September 2nd. Nancy Liberatore has donated her time and services to list and sell the property. Nancy presented the selling agreement, a motion was made to approve by John, seconded by Frank. Motion passed unanimously, Nancy abstained. Nancy’s recommendation is to list at $64,900, a motion was made by Frank, seconded by John. Motion passed unanimously, Nancy abstained. Ed then discussed the LSCA’s Conflict of Interest agreement that was instituted in 2012. It was suggested that all current board members reattest their agreement. Jerremy will create an online form with the agreement so all Trustees can do so.
President’s Opening Comments: Jim Canders, Jim said a few words remembering former Trustee Bill McLaughlin who recently passed away, and asked for a moment of silence.
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Minutes of July 23, 2022 posted. Motion to accept the minutes as presented, made by John, seconded by Nancy. All in favor, so moved.
Treasurer’s Report: Mary Jo Teetor, report presented on screen. Large bills have been paid to SOLitude, DASH crew. Membership contributions and donations above estimated budget. Projecting a surplus. Motion to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented made by Frank, and seconded by Mike. All in favor, so moved.
Annual Meeting / Use of LSC CC: John Belnavis, John has reserved the LSC Country Club for the dates of our 4 Trustee meetings in 2023, and the Annual Meeting. Dates are: May 27th, 2023, June 24th, 2023, July 22nd, 2023, August 26th, 2023 at 8:30 AM. The Annual Meeting will be July 22nd, 2023 at 6 PM. John explained that we will need to close RSVPs for the dinner on the Sunday before the meeting so the chef can have a count. We sold out of dinners this year, and the kitchen was concerned about having enough food. Everyone enjoyed the guest speaker Eric Hanson, and his loon presentation. We’ll look to have a guest speaker next year as well.
Milfoil Management: Jeff Crandall, DASH report submitted by DASH team. 252 buckets harvested over 76 acres. Some areas marked for DASH on the map were not visited. The DASH team has marked potential areas for 2023. SOLitude will perform the plant survey in September. Little Lake treatment was very effective. Lake tour with Misha went well.
Boat Launch Greeter Program: John Belnavis, hired a new Greeter. 2 other inquiries. Total payroll for the year will be under budget.
Publicity / Membership: Jerremy Jones, 377 members, with a goal of 400, surpassed last year’s total of 372. Fall newsletter was printed and available.
Lake Safety: Frank Callahan & Mike Gay, new marker buoys built and installed in Atwater Bay. Mike estimated that we need 10 more new buoys to be fabricated in the new style. A motion to allocate up to $850 for new buoys was made by John, and seconded by Jeff. All in favor, so moved.
Nominating Committee: LSCA has a full complement of Trustees.
Grants / Government Relations: Received a letter back from the Basin Water Quality Council. Members have already been selected, and according to the bylaws, we would not qualify to be on the board. Mark and Sue have volunteered to help with grants. We have quarterly reports due on October 10th, and new grants have just been announced.
New Business: Discussion of buoy incident in North Bay and jetski speeding incident in the Channel - appears to be the same people. Discussed hand pulling milfoil test in Little Lake with LSCCF. Have not received a reply from F&W to our letter, will send email asking if we will be receiving a reply. Discussion of loon project with VT Ecostudies to place collection tubes at the boat launch to collect lead sinkers and monofilament line, with instruction from our Greeters - spring 2023.
Old Business: Discussed East Poultney Day, new tent and other gear for events. Discussed meeting dates for next year.
Election of Officers:
- Treasurer: John nominated Mary Jo Teetor, all voted in favor.
- Recording Secretary: Jim nominated Kemi McShane, all voted in favor.
- Vice President: Mary Jo nominated Mike Gay, all voted in favor.
- President: Mary Jo nominated Jim Canders, all voted in favor.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 10:27, seconded and all in favor, so moved.
Next meeting: May 27, 2023 at 8:30 AM LSC CC.
Meeting minutes compiled by Jerremy Jones.