Registration is underway for the Lake St. Catherine Association's 5th Annual Boat Parade!

So, it's time to come up with some creative ideas for your boat theme or decorations... Your creativity will be rewarded. How?
Fabulous prizes, of course!
The LSCA would like to thank these generous sponsors for providing prizes for the Boat Parade:
- Perry's Main Street Eatery
- The Trolley Stop
- LSCCC Fairways Restaurant & Tavern
- Wells Country Store
- Otto's Cones Point General Store
- Full Belly Deli
- The Original Vermont Store
- William's True Value Hardware Store
- Stewart's Shops
So, you can see there is a lot at stake this year...
Prizes are awarded for:
- Most original
- Most patriotic
- Funniest
- Best overall
To join in on the parade, please contact Lila Burgner at or call 802-884-8093 to register your boat.
Are you a member yet? Maintaining the lake costs approximately $100,000 annually. Grants, membership dues and contributions make up the majority of our funding. If you'd like to help, please consider becoming a member or making a donation. The LSCA is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization and any contribution that you make is tax deductible.