The Vermont DEC's Lake Wise Program is conducting a 'Septic Social' on Lake St. Catherine on Wednesday, July 19th.
Little Lake resident Dede Kendall will host the Septic Social at her home: 15 Clayton Tract, Wells from 4:00 - 5:30 PM.
About the presentation:
Come learn about maintaining or replacing your septic system in a social environment!

- Maintaining a functioning septic system helps protect your lake!
- Opportunity for Q&A with septic professionals
- Learn basic septic maintenance techniques
- Discuss replacement innovative septic systems
- Socialize with your lake neighbors!
Join septic experts, lake scientists, and other lakeshore property owners for a FREE social gathering to discuss proper maintenance, innovative systems, and more! Functioning Septic Systems are one of many important shoreland practices. To learn more about lake-friendly living and what you can do along your shore to protect water quality, natural shorelands and habitat, contact the Lake Wise Program. Also, remember to check with your local Shoreland Permit Specialist before making any changes along your shoreland property. Thanks, and hope to see you at the Septic Social! Bring your septic questions!
Questions? Contact Laura Dlugolecki at 802-490-6133 or
Again, this free program will take place on Wednesday, July 19th from 4:00-5:30 PM at 15 Clayton Tract, in Wells, on the Little Lake.