A free workshop entitled "Protecting Property and Lake - Be Storm Ready with Lake Friendly Practices" presented by Lake Champlain Sea Grant and Vermont Lakes and Ponds Protection Program will be taking place at the Lake St. Catherine State Park on August 31st from 3-5 PM.

You will learn about natural approaches to protecting and stabilizing your shoreline, including:
- Erosion control methods
- Native plants
- Attractive permeable surfaces
- Rain gardens
- Habitat restoration
- Local resources for materials and installation
You will also learn about the basic elements of the Shoreland Protection Act:
- Landowner requirements: myths and facts
- Healthy shorelines, water quality and aquatic habitat: Purpose of the act
- Permitting process; exemptions
- Informational materials
- Resources for compliance
- Shoreland protection and property value
You will also learn about the Vermont Lake Wise Program.
For information and to register contact: Linda Patterson, Water Quality Educator at linda.patterson@uvm.edu, or call 802-656-7668.
Protecting Your Property And Your Lake Flyer: