Happy Friday to you all in the LSC community. We'd like to share some upcoming Independence Day activities that will be taking place around the lake during the next week.
...and here we go:
The 6th Annual LSCA Boat Parade!

It is this Sunday, July 1st - starting off in Forest House Bay and making it's way around the lake.
We all know how much fun it is to watch the parade - but it's even more fun to be in it! There is still time to get your friends and family together to come up with an idea and register your boat for the parade.
Prizes are awarded for:
- Most original
- Most patriotic
- Funniest
- Best overall
Just look at all these great prizes up for grabs!
The LSCA would like to thank these generous sponsors for providing prizes for the Boat Parade:
Plus, all kids that participate get a free ice cream coupon from Stewart's Shops!
To join in on the parade, please contact Lila Burgner at BurgnerL@msn.com to register your boat today!
Lake St. Catherine State Park Activities
On Saturday, June 30th:
- 8-9am: Bird Walk With Sue Wetmore. Thrushes and veerios are some of the possibilities!
- 10-12pm: Let's go fishing!
- 2-3pm: Invasive Plant Species walk
- 3-4pm: Reptiles & amphibians- focus on snakes!
On Sunday, July 1st:
- 7-8am: Early bird paddle, sign up at nature center. meet by concession stand.
- 10-11:30pm: Making dream catchers
- 2-3pm: Reptiles & amphibians
On Monday, July 2nd:
- 8-9pm: Morning paddle. Meet at concession stand. Sign-up at nature center.
- 10-11pm: Draw & ID trees at nature center
*programs usually meet by day use beach*
You can find more info about these events on the Vermont State Parks' Lake St. Catherine Page.
The Town Of Wells
Wells Village Library Book & Bake Sale - July 6 & 7 from 9AM - 4PM:
Join the Wells Village Library on July 6th and 7th for our annual book and bake sale! The event will be held at the MWA Annex Building located on VT Route 30 in Wells, VT. Hours are Friday, July 6th, 9:00am – 4:00pm and Saturday, July 7th, 9:00am – 3:00pm. Donations of books, dvds, games, puzzles or baked goods would be much appreciated.
The library also will be selling special raffle tickets for a local bookstore gift certificate. Tickets for this are on sale during both days of the book sale. Tickets are $2 each or 3 tickets for $5. The drawing will be held at the end of the book sale and the winner does not need to be present to win. All proceeds from this event will benefit library programs and collection development.
Book or game donations can be dropped off at the library during normal business hours (Wed 10am-3pm, Th 2-5pm, Fri 3-5pm, Sat 9am-1pm) any time before the book sale or by appointment. Baked goods can be dropped off at the MWA on July 6th and 7th. We are also seeking volunteers to help with set up the week before and on the two days of the event. Please contact the library at 802.645.0611 or by email at jcb@behaviorservices.com if you can help or for more information.
Wells Fire Department Pancake Breakfast - July 1st from 7AM
The Town Of Poultney
Poultney has a big day planned for July 4th: Food, magic, a parade, music, a dance party - and Elvis!
They will then have fireworks at dusk.

Additional information about all the festivities can be found on the Poultney Recreation website.
Otto's Cones Point General Store - Music @ The Moose
Otto's will be featuring live bands and solo musicians on their front porch throughout the summer. They will have 5 musical acts appearing next week, starting on Saturday, June 30th with the Wolf Holler Band from 5PM - 9PM. You can check out their full schedule by clicking here.
Fireworks - Saturday, July 7th at dusk
Lake resident Rick Roberts has informed the LSCA that his fireworks display will occur on Saturday, July 7th. This year, the fireworks will launch from the east side of the lake, near the mouth of Hall's Bay.
Well, that should be enough to keep you busy this week, right? :)
Be safe, have fun, and always be a good steward of the lake.
Enjoy your time at the lake this week!