On Saturday, July 21st, the Lake St. Catherine Association held their 2018 Annual Membership Meeting & Dinner at the Lake St. Catherine Country Club's Fairways Restaurant & Tavern.

We'd like to thank all those who attended this year's meeting - it was great to have a full house of good folks that care about Lake St. Catherine. We hope you enjoyed the the Trustee's reports, great speakers, and the open discussion of LSC topics. We appreciate your continued support of the LSCA, and the work we do for the Lake. We hope that you'll spread the good word of the LSCA to your neighbors around the lake.

We'd also like to thank the Lake St. Catherine Country Club for hosting the meeting and preparing a great dinner. We hope you enjoyed that as well.
LSCA President Jim Canders kicked off the meeting by welcoming all attendees and introducing our guest speakers:

Next, Jeff Crandall presented an update on the 2018 milfoil treatment, explaining our balanced program of spot treatments using Renovate and DASH (Diver Assisted Suction Harvesting).

This lead into a presentation by our first guest speaker, Marc Bellaud from SOLitude Lake Management on the milfoil treatment history on LSC. He also taked about a new herbicide called ProcellCOR that has just been aprroved by the EPA after 8 years of testing and research. As compared to Renovate, it's more effective, much less product is needed to treat - and there are no drinking or swimming restrictions after use. The LSCA will continue to research this option for milfoil treatment.

Next up, from the Poultney Mettowee Natural Resources Conservation District, was our second guest speaker, Sadie Brown. Saide talked about the Lake Education and Action Program (LEAP) which directs student interns to provide native buffer plantings and invasive plant removal activities around the lake. She also discussed the Stormwater Master Plan that is just kicking off on LSC. The PMNRCD is aksing for our help identifing areas in which stormwater runs into the lake. This stormwater moves silt and nutrients into the lake which has an impact on water clarity and quality - and provides food for weeds to grow.

Other presentations included water quality, boat launch monitoring, the annual boat parade, the treasurer's & membership report, LSCA communications, lake safety and Trustee elections.
You can view the full presentation below:
If you have any questions about what was presented, or if you have any follow up questions, please let us know. Please send them to info@lakestcatherine.org, we'd be happy to answer them for you.
Then, it was time to eat!

Finally, we'd like to like to recognize Lila and Rand Burgner for their work for the LSCA over the years. Lila and Rand will be retiring from their roles with the LSCA. Lila started, and has coordinated the Annual Boat Parade for the past 6 years. She mentioned that she would be happy to help the person that takes over the coordination of the parade (let us know if you are interested!). Rand has served on the board for 9 years - and was most recently coordinating the Greeter Program at the boat launch. Thank you both very much for your service to the LSCA and the lake - you will be missed!

We'd also like to thank Bob Williams from Williams Hardware for providing a fire pit to be used as a door prize for the evening. Thanks Bob!
Additional photos from the evening can be viewed in this Facebook album: 2018 LSCA Annual Meeting & Dinner.
We hope you had a fun, informative evening - and we hope you'll spread the word!
Thank you for your continued support!