On Saturday, May 26th, the Lake St. Catherine Association held their first meeting of the 2019 season.
The Trustees gave their reports on many topics - Click here to see the full meeting agenda. Meeting minutes compiled by Kemi Mcshane.
May 25th 2019 Meeting of the Lake St. Catherine Board of Trustees
Lake St. Catherine Country Club, 8:30 AM
Meeting called to order by President Jim Canders at 8:32AM.
Present: Jim Canders, Mary Jo Teetor, Elaine Bagley, Kemi McShane, John Belnavis, Frank Callahan, Jeff Crandall, Jerremy Jones, Ed Laird, Martha Pofit, Bob Wiliiams.
Absent: Ken Abt, Rob Goldman, Rob Nesbit, Phil Pope.
Guest speaker, Owen Teetor reported the present status of the Lake, Jeff distributed a survey map of the Lake with the proposed locations for the ProcellaCOR treatment sites. The divers have not gone in the water but did a search of the areas and there is sporadic growth; stated better than 6 years ago. The Sunken Island is targeted for treatment. The red highlighted areas on the survey map will be the designated treatment spots. Concentrating on these areas to monitor the growth. The divers plan to get into the water soon for a accurate reading of these areas. Jeff spoke of a fixed contract with Owen and Beck so have a fixed schedule and fixed cost. Have to manage the costs as we have a budget for treating the Lake. The divers know the Lake and the problem areas and can identify the species located in the areas. Martha questioned how to measure the number of weeds harvested and Frank questioned the approval of the permit. Jeff stated the permit is on file and we have a tentative approval for the permit, have a waiting period to receive the permit form the State. Discussion followed regarding the increased amount of run offs from the roads and driveways this Spring. The run off has makes the Lake murky, delaying the weed growth, but will produce algae. Jerremy requested pictures of the suction harvesting to advertise the work that the suction harvesting crew is doing. Martha spoke of the Lake’s score card and how LSC is ranked in the State. It is important to improve the ranking by identifying the number of plant species are in the Lake. The Greeters are identifying other plants and Solitude is recording their findings as well.
Hilary from PMNRCD spoke on the benefits of buffer gardens and infiltration steps so water can flow through them. A Lakewise workshop in July will cover septic, storm waters, the water shed and erosion issues that impact the water quality, and buffer planting. A committee or group of neighborhood leaders to provide outreach for the Lake would increase the knowledge base and educate people on the programs and projects that are addressed at the Lake. Frank raised the issue of property owners putting in a culvert with no permit and septic issues and running into the storm drains. Association can organize a group to work with Hilary. LEAP has funding to provide plantings. The transition for is difficult as a result of GMC closing. There is no contract in place between LSCA and LEAF. Ed proposed work forward in “good faith” finish the work, as backlog of getting contract out with a stop in cash flow. Martha numbers shows trend going in the other direction. More groups are applying for more money and there is more money going out and the groups are being awarded less money. MJ reiterated the programs LSC has is 20% matched as opposed to the 50% funding we used to receive from the State. Getting deliverables in the past. Kim told are behind, contract out late. Josh left and not replacing personnel and business office is having trouble. Jim stated to get together and move forward with the troubled areas. Martha discussed the clean water funding and the relationship with Hilary. VT required 2.3 billion over 20 years. More money to positioning our Lake to get money from the government proposal. It passed both houses, advocate together to get ourselves a full partnership to get the money. Hilary all funding to regional planning committee strong group working region. Capacity to use the funds for storm water projects. DEC 200-300 projects in watershed to keep sediment out of the Lake. Little Lake would be a good spot to concentrate on. Capacity up for people to implement work and apply for funds. Need a point person to oversee the work. Everyone is over worked. There is no funding for private roads or driveways and these are major problems. Conservation issues- no one helps with driveways. Need technical assistance, must keep trying with prevention treatments in focus on storm water projects. Pervious asphalt view on it versus hard pack material. More work on maintaining – engineers working on pervious. Jerremy stated funding 6% rooms and meals tax, 7 million the last page of Martha’s repot. Martha storm water project locked into it being the roll of the municipality to address- the municipality can get funds if do the work. 3 billion dollars distributed to different projects. 2 day application, get contract need help oversight and the LSCA can help coordinate.
Business meeting called to order at 9:24.
- Recording Secretary’s report – Minutes of the August 25,2018 meeting approved. Frank made motion and John second. Old business, Bob- stated missing a trustee. Minutes on e-mail
- Treasurer's report- Jerremy, Martha, and Elaine had a special meeting to get the new format established for the treasurer's report. Jerremy set up a power point presentation of the treasurer's report. It was demonstrated how the report can be automatically changed as entries are made to the report. This format is a live report google will update automatically. Can budget for income and expenses. It can show how much money we really have; shows the cash flow. Questioned the group – $111,000.00 to work with, what is our tolerance? Can generate new revenue through grants. How can we nickel and dime our expenses to lower our costs? Jeff, what is the % of property owners contribute to dues? How can we increase our membership? 286 active members- discussion for target mailings to give money to the LSCA. How can we increase the membership from the Little Lake? Bubblers not being supported by the State, State is pushing PREVENTIVE approach. Solitude budget 60,000.00 more expensive proposal. Fixed contract with Owen and the suction harvesting. $49,000.00. Looking at herbicide versus suction harvesting, can’t pay per diem have to have a bottom line. New herbicide long term basis, not do secondary sights and lower costs. Valid budget $75,000.00. Accounting wise, long term budget hold company more accountable, more expensive in the early years, lower the budget, keep Owen, DASH program, keep them motivated- 50/50 harvesting approach. A new harvesting method that contains the seeds and weeds. Little Lake needs to get a better harvester. SOLITUDE- not so much water treatment, state pushing water treatment expensive and that needs to be cut back on the testing. New herbicide only requires one day water restriction. New product- FDA told them state wants a baseline- how long do we have to keep testing. Discussion followed on the line by line report. How to create capital expense, line of credit. SOLITUDE come back with same cost- not seeing saving over the next 3 years. Long run, stay on top of milfoil issue, increase membership and dues and donations. SONAR letter distribution mailings to increase contributions. There is a need to generate more income. Waiting for approval of the new herbicide. Research states about new herbicide. People want to know the new herbicide greatly improves results with short term restriction. Provide a slide presentation at meeting to make people aware. Ed – responsibilities to disclose change of accounting measure, cash accounting versus accurate accounting for a non-profit. How to thank people for their contributions; list of Gold, Silver and Bronze contributors. Gifts to send out to people. Separate voluntary contributors versus membership dues. Make a separate line item to track. Motion made and second to accept the treasurer's report.
- Annual meeting and Dinner LSCA July 27,2019. John stated format to remain the same as last year. Meeting at 6:00 and dinner to follow at 7:30. Andy is cooking, and the menu will be chicken, fish, pasta and prime rib. Advertise for the dinner meeting and allow for 60-80 people. Distribute notice around the Lake. John will get menu from Andy; the time dinner is to be served. Jerremy will have a power point presentation.
- Milfoil management- Jeff reported the permit is in hand, will be finalized if not opposition. Treatment date late June early July before July 4th. Discussion with Owen and Beck for the mailings to the public. Allowed to give notice through e-mails. Discussion regarding jumping the gun to get the permit but won’t have the 30-day notice period. Confusion about the new permit; it is a 5-year permit but have to have yearly approval. DASH sights to be specifically approved. 2 permits on website under new DASH. Boat launch monitoring application submitted not received a letter back. Approved. DEC – not renew Little Lake permit for aeration as it is not improving Little Lake condition. Questioned if Little Lake has the weed harvesting permit, requesting a worker to operate the harvester. Martha, 10,000.00 15,000.000 20,000.00 Wells budgeted $ to an ineffective program. The LSCA need to approach Wells select board to discuss the LSCA work on maintaining the Lake and the water quality. Increase Little Lake membership and try to involve more people. After the treatment of the Lake try to get together with the Wells select board and get on the agenda. Poultney select board also needs to be approached to discuss the work being performed on the Lake.
- Boat launch monitoring – John stated that Martha was able to secure more money. 7:00 need to have Greeters available as fishermen get there early. Able to increase the program by 25%. Have 8 fishing tournaments scheduled for the Lake this year. State park has two new managers, will make them aware of the boats coming into the Lake through the state park. Provide them with a package of information to distribute. Last year inspected 1409 boats. AIS present at launch, and the Greeters picked off 12 boats with milfoil. 161 milfoil on boats in August. Boat wash station, the state will give us to wash every boat coming out of LSC. New proposal no expense to us. Can’t use lake water even if its heated to 180 degrees. Fish and Wildlife needs to give us permission Martha $5000.00 grant to poll other lakes for best practice. Fill tanks deal breaker lack of water since we are infected with milfoil. MJ future do we need a boat wash. Martha evidence based boats coming out or bringing the weeds into lake. How can we get a decontamination station. Decline for boat wash.
- Water quality- Mary Jo. No discussion
- Publicity- Jerremy. Newsletter distributed around the Lake. Good viewers on Facebook. Only one call for the boat safety course. And have trifold brochures to distribute.
- Lake safety- Frank. 2 missing markers need to be picked up. Stewart take over Horseshoe Bay. John helped distribute markers.
- Nominating Committee- Bob. Need new trustee. Suggested to approach residents on the Little Lake.
- Membership – Elaine. A June mailing will go out to remind people to pay the dues.
- Government- Phil. Martha spoke regarding distributing a package of information the the Wells select board prior to the night of the event. It was dominated by the Lake Conservation group. Trying to reallocate resources back to LSCA. MJ Poultney did not give us $5,000. As has cut funds. The town of Poultney upset about the closing of GMC.
- Old Business- Martha and Jim work on grants. Simplify the application process. Pay us for what the LSCA is already doing. $50,000.00 funding out there trying to increase revenue.
Boat Parade: need someone to manage the boat parade, slated for July 6,2019.
Saturday, July 6, the fireworks will be held. Rick Roberts asking for contributions.
Wells Day: July 13 – Frank sets up will need assistance manning the booth.
East Poultney Day: August 10,
Nominating Frank, Ed, Rob, Mary Jo, Phil for re-nomination for the position of trustees. Lake residents were recommended for trustees.
Adjournment- 11:06 Meeting called for adjournment by President, motion made by Frank and second by Jeff. All in favor