Hello LSC fans.
Occasionally, we come across a Lake St. Catherine reference in an old publication. They are an interesting snapshot from that time, so we like finding them, and then passing them along for all to enjoy.
This particular article, entitled "A Place Excused From Change: Recapturing Summers From The 50's" by Charles Strum, appeared in the Friday, August 31st edition of the New York Times.
It's an old newspaper scan, so the images are not great, but it's better than nothing... You can read the full text of the article (no images) by clicking here.
Scans from the paper (you can click on the scans to see a larger version):

You can read a previous "LSC Blast From The Past" by clicking here to see "A Family Kind Of Place - Lake St. Catherine's Appeal Spans The Generations" from Vermont Life Magazine.