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Meeting Of The Board Of Trustees - 05/23/2020

3 Jun 2020 5:37 PM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

On Saturday, May 23rd, the Lake St. Catherine Association held their first meeting of the 2020 season.

The Trustees gave their reports on many topics - Click here to see the full meeting agenda. Meeting minutes compiled by Kemi McShane Bostock.

May 23rd 2020 Meeting of the Lake St. Catherine Board of Trustees

Google Meet - Online Meeting, 8:30 AM

Meeting Called to Order by President, Jim Canders.

Attendance: Ken Abt, Elaine Bagley, John Belnavis, Kemi McShane Bostock, Frank Callahan, Jim Canders, Jeff Crandall, Jerremy Jones, Ed Laird, Nancy Liberatore, Rob Nesbitt, Martha Pofit, Mary Jo Teeetor, Bob Williams.

Side note: A few technical difficulties occurred throughout the meeting but were resolved and the meeting was able to continue without interruption. Thanks to all the support provided by the knowledgeable trustees.

The meeting began with Martha providing the history of the grants and the PMNRCD connection to the LSCA. Martha outlined the grants as follows:

Context of work done since last August. Received $40,000.00 combination of four grants.

$14,000.00 received from the Greeter Program with the Watershed grant supporting 25% expansion of the program and allows us to increase the hours of operation. Especially important is the awareness of Zebra Mussels and preventing them from entering the Lake. The boat launch and the Channel are areas of concern. The DASH divers will inspect those areas. And will educate the LSCA about zebra mussels.

Smaller grants come and go and the purposes of grants change but we are developing plans for sustainability and attracting more people who support our cause. The Lake Champlain Basin has a database that has infrastructure to help communicate with its members.

Received new grant for emergency support for May, June and July to help with immediate bills. Can recast the budget to keep LSCA going.

Grant to expand the Greeter program to have a station based at the LSC State Park. Fish and Wildlife funded; until cancellation of the grant. Interested in having a pilot program at the State Park as it is opening on 6/26/2020. 1,700 boats are launched at the State boat launch and 1,800 are launched at the State Park launch area. In 2019 received $7,000.00, $5,500.00 in 2020 for the Greeter program from DEC.

She spoke about the Grant and organizing the Lake into neighborhoods and having a Zone Captain. The Zone captains would hold meetings. Residents could have their property assessed for storm water runoff, mitigate load of phosphorus entering the Lake. And property owners need to deter the runoff. Many of these things cannot be done this year in 2020. Hope to complete ten projects this season with 15 Lake Wise assessments to get done. Hillary was asked to get hand outs to distribute so the community is aware of the services/work that the PMNRCD provides.

There was discussion regarding properties on LSC that were under heavy construction and the lack of environmental curtains not in place. Ed Laird provided details regarding the new septic system being built at nearby property. It has been approved by the State and is a state-of-the-art septic system.

MJ and Martha mentioned their discussion with Oliver Pierson who is the new Lakes and Ponds Program Manager. There were questions regarding the ERP grants, watershed, and Aquatic nuisance grants. The philosophy hasn’t changed but financial support from the Fish and wildlife has gone away due to the COVID 19 virus of 2020.

Discussed the development of a watershed plan. Want the State to do prevention work for run off from roads and streams. Feed together with all our grants and can create an action fund. Our relationship with the PMNRCD helps the LSCA get together to where the Lake properties are assessed. Martha expressed how important our relationship is with the Lake Champlain Basin is as well.

Hilary joined the meeting at 9:10. Hilary gave a brief history of the PMNRCD and how important the LSCA relationship is with the PMNRCD. The District gives the Board a common base. It was established in 1940 and was quasi governed by the Federal government to assist the Natural Resource District. District is primarily an agricultural board that assesses lake property, forests and streams. The District is working with stormwater areas. *Phosphorus problem especially in Lake Champlain Basin from Vergennes to Dorset hoping to become a clean water provider. The District provides the distribution of funds by project identification so can fund projects through Act 76 signed by the Governor to get projects funded. The work plan is to complete all the tasks except for #2 that will not be able to be accomplished this season. The assessments and the implementations will take place in July and August. The LSCA should have smaller neighborhood meetings to educate the lake residents. A flyer will be available to distribute.

Questions from John B. regarding private road with runoffs? What can be done regarding this? Private driveways are an issue as well and as State does not have money for private roads as yet. A good example was provided by Ed L. on West Lake rd. has a huge run off even with the road work done on the culverts. There is a 5-degree slope and won't put coverage down. There is a discrepancy of riprap funding to infiltration steps for run-off. Amy Picotte at the State level has no funding for roads and the scale of the project. Shoreline projects a major issue. Smaller projects need support to the local road crews. Jeff C. spoke to the Town of Wells road crew leveled sapling trees and anything near the road was being cut down. The work on storm water needs to be met. Ken A. questioned how will measure the phosphorus level as that is the driving force along with the milfoil and nitrogen. How will measure the success coming from the State directive? Especially as the monitoring is cancelled with the Watershed funds cut. The Natural Resource Committee is concerned with Lake Champlain regarding the phosphorus levels as the State was sued and Julie Moore from the EPA got involved to clean up LC. Phosphorus levels travel through the water resources. MJ is following the stimulus to local municipalities with road funding. Grants had been funded by license plates. MJ and Hilary meeting with Oliver to get perspective. It was expressed the importance of the LSCA relationship is with the PMNRCD and both groups value the work that is done separately and jointly as been educating the area for 15 years. Nancy spoke about tree planting. Kemi confirmed the condo property to be done in June.

Ed L. discussed the virtual meeting regulations. VT not for profit organization law amended 2009- actions/debate are simultaneous = meeting going well = executive mtgs. Meets the requirements of the State. Subcommittees to request to establish mtg today within the authorization of the Board. How to manage administration work and allocating funds. Rob asked do we need to make a motion to form an executive sub-committee. Rob made the motion, Ken second it and it will be in the bylaws that VT law is allowing us to work remotely. An appointment of an executive committee needs a vote, discussion? All in favor? Opposed? No objections? Motion accepted and Jim thanks Ed for his time.

  1. Recording Secretary’s report – last August 24, 2019 post the minutes on the screen and up for viewing. Any questions about the Minutes of August 24, 2019? No questions, John B. makes a motion to accept the minutes from August 24, 2019. Second by Jeff C., opposed, no objections, all in favor, motion carried.
  2. Treasurer’s Report- posted on screen discussion followed: Jerremy reported the 2019 appeal of $21,000. Took in for appeal, the mailings brought $21,000.00 and $ 52,000 in dues. $141,000.00 income included grants and $140,000.00 expenses. $83,000.00 total in Savings/Checking. Received grants for 2019 and 2018 are now in the account. The fund balance = $117,000.00. Documents available to everyone just log into the account. Updates in real time, cash flow tab by month. $141,000.00 budget in 2019 broke even. Elaine to date $153,471.00. Jerremy 2020 budget not getting grants, pricing for Solitude- and the current budget. Elaine tracking dues differently this year to differential dues and contributions above dues as Donations.. 207 current members paid, still hoping to get to same number of members as last year (350). AIS grant $33,000.00 in 2019, only received funds for the Greeter Program in 2020. Warning signs for the milfoil treatment. Had to meet all our requirements on time. Signs will be posted by Monday. For 2020, $131,000. projected income. $111,000.00 projected expenses. Projected budget $19,487.00 positive. Solitude expenses are lower this year. $90,000.00 in the Bank. AIS 2019 grant received partial payment in 2019, balance in 2020 projected fund balance. John questioned receiving the allocated monies from the towns of Wells and Poultney? Jerremy stated not enough money to get all the projects done but all grants are in balance and we have to invoice all work done, fund balance will be tracked. Martha and MJ spoke to the town of Wells funding is a year behind, and hope the monies allocated from the two towns remain solid. Martha commented on receiving the notice of lack of AIS grant funding on Friday. Jim asked for a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Jerremy made the motion, Jeff second, opposed? All in favor? Approved the Treasurer’s report as presented.
  3. DASH and Herbicide Treatment: Jeff reported on the treatment map and the significant budget restraints, that the Spring survey revealed treatment areas have reacted very well. The Fall survey showed a decrease in milfoil. The Little Lake milfoil increase and an increase in the Channel. Will only treat 3 sites. The Channel- LCBP grant to allocate to DASH from the bridge out into Forest House Bay. The Lily Pond, North Bay and from the bridge towards LL, 18.3 acres for ProcellaCOR with a reduced cost of $25,000.00. DASH will do 10 sites. DASH. has the same contract $49,000.00 for 8 weeks of work. June – August approved by the State. July 1st to start and will try to move up that starting date. July 1st is coming from the Fish and Wildlife but might try to tailor it to DASH contract if starting date not moved up.
  4. Greeter Program – Boat Launch and State Park : John reports that the program started on Friday, May 22, 2020. The training will be completed next week. Reviewed the COVID-19 safety protocols. Will be alert for the presence of Zebra mussels. There will not be a portable toilet this season. Discussed the fireworks display for Friday July 3, 2020. Will keep posted as the State open and if the permit is in place to hold this event. Motion made and second to accept the report from John, none opposed. Report accepted.
  5. Publicity- Newsletter, Membership – Jerremy Spring newsletters available to pick up and distribute. Also posted on webpage. Have over 1,000 followers on FB and it is a good way to communicate. MJ commented on the publicity of Phil Pope and many have responded by making donations to the LSCA in his memory.
  6. Lake Safety – Frank. John reported for Frank. The markers are at designated locations. Spoke of the speed on the Lake and will contact the Game Warden and ask how residents can monitor the activity on the Lake. Dustin can be contacted and he is aware of the activities on the lake.
  7. Nominating Committee – Bob Review of the terms and trustees presently holding office. 2020 terms ending are: Jim, Jeff,Jerremy, Martha, and Bob. All stated will run again. 2022 terms are: Rob and his appointment went to Nancy, Ed, Mary Joe, Frank, Ken. Missing one trustee. 2021 terms are: Elaine, Ken, John, Kemi, and Rob.
  8. Boat Parade – Kemi Discussion not having judges at the judge’s location for social distancing. NO prizes will be awarded as so not to solicit sponsors this year. Will have pictures posted for all to view and vote for the categories and will post the results. Will promote the past sponsors to support them.
  9. Annual Membership Meeting and Dinner- July 27, 2020. John reports that the club will host it but not sure of the State’s protocols that must be in place. Jerremy will provide the membership a virtual meeting venue. Will set up a question and answer session by posting them and we can have the answers. MJ questioned how to meet the requirements for the voting? Ed stated the status simultaneous meeting is a way for people to vote online if we make it sequential. Example will post the slate of candidates. Bob gave an example vote for 5 nominate slate of 5, 10-day notification rule and get the ballot 10 days ahead of time. Discussion followed how to handle the virtual meeting requirements. A motion was made to make the Annual Membership Meeting a virtual meeting. Second, any opposed, none. Motion approved.
  10. New Business

Bulleted items:

• Approval for a projector for the LSCA use. $500.00 approved to the purchase of the projector, to be in the 2021 budget. Motion made by Rob, second by MJ. No opposition. Approved to purchase the projector.

• Annual Fall Meeting with VT DEC Water Quality – Misha. Good rapport.

• Little Lake discussion – MJ, Jerremy, Jim were requested by 2 new home owners on the LL to attend a meeting with the LSCCF. Had a conversation about getting the LSCA back into the LL and the LSCCF’s aeration efforts. Tracking ProcellaCOR treatments in other Lakes. ProcellaCOR and DASH programs working and year after year there is a reduction in milfoil. Talked about aeration not working in LL, harvesting of milfoil and native plants only increases the milfoil and chokes out native plants. Summary of DEC paper and plant reports on our website. New residents on LL are interested and asked many questions. Misha indicated our permits are for the whole lake. The LSCCF has not responded to DEC questions on their permit. Discussion regarding getting the two groups together. It was decided to contact a facilitator to conduct the meeting, with both groups covering the cost 50/50. The facilitator needs to be neutral and outside LSC community. Zoom might be a good format for this meeting. Get info to Rick N. from LSCCF so we can move forward with the next meeting with the LSCCF. A motion was made by Rob and second by John . Ed rephased the motion to include the 50/50 cost for hiring the facilitator. Rob second the revised motion made by Ed, voted to pass the motion as discussed.

Motion to Adjourn the LSCA Board of Trustees meeting May 23, 2020 at 11:45, second. Approved.

Minutes respectfully submitted, Kemi McShane Bostock, Recording Secretary

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