Each July, the Lake St. Catherine Association holds their Annual Membership Meeting & Dinner to update the lake community on lake issues, to give you reports from our committees, and to discuss current and future initiatives for Lake St. Catherine.
However, due to the COVID-19 situation, we have decided that for the safety of everyone, we will conduct a ‘Virtual’ Annual Meeting this year to avoid a large gathering.
This is a disappointing decision, but it is the right one. We thoroughly enjoy getting the membership together to talk about the lake and then share a nice dinner together. But, our first priority has to be the safety of all involved.
So, we are preparing to have a virtual Annual Meeting.
The board is currently preparing our slide presentation which will be chock-full of information about our work this season. The board will then get together in an online meeting room, and we’ll narrate the presentation. This session will be recorded and then posted on YouTube on July 25th for you to be able to watch at your convenience.
We still want you to be part of the meeting!
At the end of our presentation during the Annual Meeting, we always open up the floor to take your questions. So, we have set up this online form so that you can submit a question that we can answer during the virtual meeting:
Submit your question by clicking here.
Or, you can email your question to info@lakestcatherine.org.
You can choose to include your name, or submit your question anonymously. Questions can be submitted until Friday, July 24th. At the end of the presentation, the board will answer your questions, and they will be included in the recording.
Another important part of the Annual Meeting is the election of trustees. This has traditionally been done by our Nominating Committee Chair Bob Williams announcing the slate of candidates and the assembled membership gives a collective “aye”. Since we cannot do that this year, we will post an online ballot so you can cast your vote. To vote, you need to be a member in good standing, so the ballot will ask for your name and email address. The candidates being put forth by the Nominating Committee are: Jim Canders, Jeff Crandall, Jerremy Jones, Martha Pofit, Bob Williams. Any additional nominations must be received by July 14th, and any candidate must be a member in good standing and give 10-days notification of his/her intent to run to the Nominating Committee. Information on voting will appear with the link to view the Annual Meeting recording.
Once the recording of the presentation is complete and available on YouTube, we will post the link on our website, on our Facebook page, and we’ll email it to all the email addresses we have on file.
Finally, we are looking at safe ways to have face-to-face interactions with our membership this season. We have an idea we are calling “Dockside Chats”. A LSCA trustee would schedule a time to meet you (and possibly your neighbors) at your dock to have a quick chat about the lake. More on this soon.
If you have any questions about the 2020 Annual Meeting, please let us know - you can email us at info@lakestcatherine.org. Thank you for your support of the Lake St. Catherine Association!