On Saturday, May 25th, the Lake St. Catherine Association held their first meeting of the 2024 season.
Attendance: Jim Canders, Jerremy Jones, Mary Jo Teetor, Frank Callahan, Ed Laird, Nancy Liberatore, Mike Gay, Jeff Crandall, Sue Williams, Rob Nesbit, Kemi McShane, John Belnavis Absent: Lisa Micich, Mark Shea, Bob Williams
Guests: None
Call to Order: President Jim Canders called the meeting to order at 8:00.
Public Comment: None at the start of the meeting.
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Minutes of August 26, 2024 posted. Motion to accept the minutes as presented. All in favor, so moved.
Annual Meeting / Use of LSC CC: John Belnavis has reserved the LSC Country Club for our Annual Meeting: July 27th, 2023 at 6 PM. John is working with the LSC CC on arrangements and dinner for the meeting. Details will be presented at the June Meeting. Discussion of potential speaker(s).
Milfoil Management: Jeff Crandall, Jeff discussed the late April plant survey, and DEC approval of our plans for the Milfoil Control Program for the 2024 season. Jeff mentioned that there is a spot treatment in Little Lake, so we approached the LSCCF to see if they would like to contribute, but they declined citing budgetary concerns.
> Public Comment: At this point in the meeting, Jim, Donnalee, and Jeanie Kelly arrived, so we gave them time to speak and ask questions about the upcoming ProcellaCOR treatment, and a discussion followed. They requested some additional information which we will follow up with after the meeting. As they left, Ed continued the discussion with them outside.
Returning to the Milfoil Management discussion: Jeff continued by going over the locations that will be spot treated or DASHed on the 2024 map. Jeff also outlined the process for the new permit application that was submitted to the DEC. There was also discussion about the recent Wells Select Board Meeting at which a group asked the board to pull support for our new permit, and preparations for rumored disruptions at the boat launch on the day of the treatment on June 4th.
Treasurer’s Report: Mary Jo Teetor, MJ provided printed reports of year-to-date income and expenses, discussed grants, and budgetary numbers for the 2024 season for our large expenses which includes the Greeter Program and the Milfoil Control Program. MJ also suggested looking for someone to assist with grant writing and reporting as a paid position. MJ also mentioned voting to increase Greeter pay to $20 per hour. A motion was made by Frank to increase Greeter pay to $20 per hour, seconded by Nancy. All in favor, so moved. Motion to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented made by John, and seconded by Nancy. All in favor, so moved.
Publicity: Jerremy Jones, Spring newsletter available, emailed to members, posted on website, printed copies available at Wellsmere Farm & Cones Point General Store. Frequent postings on our website, Facebook, email blasts to keep the lake community infomed. Jerremy also mentioned that the website has been updated with the new wake sport regulations, as well as the Milfoil Control Program page.
Lake Safety: Frank Callahan & Mike Gay, new buoys going in for Sunken Island, all buoys and markers should be in by the end of the weekend. Frank is looking to schedule the boating safety classes, waiting to hear back from F&W on new materials for 2024.
Nominating Committee: Jim Canders spoke for Bob Williams, John Belnavis is stepping down at the end of his term, we will have at least one opening. Discussion about potential new board members.
Membership: Jerremy Jones, ahead of last year, 331 current members. Some very generous contributions this year. Working to hit our goal of 400 members, and will send out reminder postcards in July.
Grants / Government Relations: Jim Canders, Jim discussed the good attendance of local and state representatives at our recent events.
Old Business: Discussion about reserving a booth and attending East Poultney Day.
New Business: Ed discussed board voting, and said that it always take place in-person, or online (ie. Google Meet) with a quorum, and should not be done via email. Replacing the Welcome to Lake St. Catherine sign was discussed - John speaking to landowners about a new location, we have a structural design from Mike, and are working with a lake resident on the sign design. Jerremy requested that the LSCA make a $100 donation to the Vermont Center for Ecostudies in acknowledgement of Eric Hanson’s assistance in setting up the loon nesting platform. Motion to make the donation made by John, and seconded by Frank. All in favor, so moved.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:45, seconded and all in favor, so moved.
Next meeting: June 22, 2024 at 8:30 AM LSC CC.
Meeting minutes compiled by Kemi McShane & Jerremy Jones.