Good afternoon LSC - we hope you are getting in some lake time on this beautiful day!
What a great event at the Wells Lakeside Park this afternoon for the Libraries Love Lakes Spring Event!
We hope all who attended enjoyed it!
Loon biologist Eric Hanson arrived early to canoe over to observe the nesting loons, then arrived back just in time to kick off the presentations with a real-time loon report! Based on what Eric saw, and Dawn's observations, Eric explained that he believes the loons are sitting on an egg. They have been doing so for about a week, so we may be 3 weeks away from seeing if they will be successful based on average loon egg incubation time. As Dawn has encouraged everyone, please maintain no wake speed near the marked area, and please do not stop to observe, just take a peak as you slowly move past. Very exciting!

Next, Kathleen Guinness from RCAS spoke about birds you can see at LSC, including many you may have heard, but have never seen. Kathleen explained that there are over 99 different bird species that visit Lake St. Catherine!

The LSCA would like to thank our attendees, the Lake Champlain Basin Program, NEIWPCC, the Wells Village Library - and their mascot Nan, the Town of Wells, Eric, Kathleen, Karen, and of course Gina for their contributions to making this event a great success! THANK YOU!

The next Libraries Love Lakes event will take place at the State Park on July 13th - there will be swimming, paddling, AND SO MUCH MORE! More details as we get closer to the event - mark your calendar.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend all!
More photos in the Facebook Gallery: