Good afternoon LSC.
Hot off the press, we have some great news about Lake Wise on Lake St. Catherine for 2024!
We've just learned that we've earned a grant from the Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP) and the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) for a Clean Water Small Implementation Grant for $18,952 for the 2024 Lake Wise Program!
Lake Wise is a program developed by Vermont’s Lakes and Ponds Program to recognize outstanding efforts by homeowners who live along a lakeshore to protect the water quality and habitat along the shoreline and within the near-shore area of the lake.
Thank you to LCBP and NEIWPCC for helping to fund our 6th year of Lake Wise on LSC!
...and THANK YOU to our partner the Poultney Mettowee Natural Resources Conservation District (PMNRCD) for their continued great work and dedication to this program for Lake St. Catherine!
2022 Lake Wise Award Winners - Steve & Marcia Turcina (and neighbor dog Boone)
If you would like to participate in this fantastic program, or have your property reassessed in 2024, please email us at to reserve your spot - spots will fill up quickly.
This program is FREE to property owners. PMNRCD will make project recommendations to you based on their assessment, and will work to implement the projects you select from those recommendations.
You can read all about the Lake Wise Program on LSC on our website here:, including an interactive map showing the Lake Wise properties around LSC.
Email us to get on the list for 2024.
Thank you!