On Saturday, June 25th, the Lake St. Catherine Association held their second meeting of the 2022 season. Meeting minutes compiled by Kemi McShane Bostock
Attendance: Jim Canders, Martha Pofit, Jerremy Jones, Mary Jo Teetor, John Belnavis, Bob Williams, Lisa Micich, Nancy Liberatore, Kemi McShane, Frank Callahan, Mike Gay, Ed Laird, (Online) Jeff Crandall
Guests: Mike Shea, Kevin Smarz
Call to Order: President Jim Canders called the meeting to order at 8:40.
Public Comment: Introductions to and of guests
President’s Opening Comments: Jim Canders, President
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Minutes of May 28, 2022 posted and corrected and submitted by Jerremy Jones
Treasurer’s Report: Mary Jo Teetor, statement of activity, not many bills paid - waiting on Solitude, Libraries Love Lakes spending. Town of Wells paid last year's allocation. Corrected bank deposit error, budget is correct. Credit at Williams Hardware for any LSCA needed items. Volunteer logs for milfoil management / Greeters AIS grant, to include: 1. Administration, 2. Directly related to Greeter program, & mIlfoil program.
Jim asked for a motion to accept the Treasurer's report as presented. Lisa made a motion to accept, Ed seconded, all in favor, motion passed.
Milfoil Management: Jeff Crandall, treatment was on June 20, 2022 in Horseshoe Bay, Forest House Bay, Little Lake. No issues. DASH began hand-pulling, will start full operations on 7/1. Discussed needing better customer service from SOLitude. Discussed misinformation surrounding ProcellaCOR, milfoil control in general, will address misinformation at Annual Meeting.
Boat Launch Greeter Program: John Belnavis, short on greeters, concentrating on the State Boat Launch. Will advertise for Greeter positions. DEC on August 9, 2022 will be educating the public on AIS with a Vermont Invasive Patroller paddle launching from the Wells Lakeside Park at 10 AM.
Publicity / Membership: Jerremy Jones, membership numbers currently at 338 members, goal is 400, including individuals and business sponsors. 15 business sponsors, 58 new members. Already ahead of last year with dues and donations.
Lake Safety: Frank Callahan, markers in, Boat Safety course had 3 locations, but will only need 2. State Police Marine Division and Fish & Wildlife are in conflict regarding the testing, making it difficult to administer.
Nominating Committee: Bob WIlliams, 2 current openings. Kemi McShane appointed to the remaining term of Phil Pope (2022). Martha Pofit will be stepping down in August. Slate at Annual Meeting for membership vote: Frank Callahan, Ed Laird, Nancy Liberatore, Mary Jo Teetor, Kemi McShane 2023-2026. Jim asked for a motion, Frank made the motion, Lisa seconded, all in favor, motion passed. Nominating Committee set with Slate, but will still have 2 openings to fill - remaining term (2023) for Martha, and remaining term for Rob Goldman (2023).
Boat Parade: Jerrremy Jones, 15 boats registered so far, pictures will be posted online for voting. Set date is July 2, 2022 at 1:00pm. Fireworks set for July 2, 2022 at 10:00 PM on LSC sponsored by Rick Roberts.
Annual Meeting: John Belnavis, July 23, 2022, dinner at LSC CC, menu has 3 food choices and will have online RSVP and menu selection and payment. Jerremy will provide an updated slide presentation for the meeting, committees will report on their topic area. Meeting starts at 6:00 PM with dinner to follow. John handled arrangements with the CC. The LSCA will pay a facility fee to LSC CC for the use of the facility. Jim asked for a motion to pay an appropriation fee of $300.00, motion passed.
Grants: Martha Pofit, discussion regarding the Libraries Loves Lakes program held July 3, 2022 at the Wells Lake Park at 10:00 AM. Displays and presentations from the Wells and Poultney Libraries, LSCA, the Conservation Fund, Greeter Program, Castleton University, the Wells Historical Society, PMRNCD, and Eric Hanson from Vermont Ecostudies will take place. At 11:00 there will be 3 boats to take boat tours of the Lake. This is an educational grant from LCBP.
July 14, 2022 at 5:30 at the Wells Lakeside Park, the Watershed Action Plan will have a stakeholder outreach meeting & presentation.
LSCA is known to deliver on our responsibilities to the grants received, but have many more competitors. To secure a grant requires to file all documents, get contracts, oversee work, get it, manage it, and report it.
Old Business: Jerremy Jones, spoke about FOVLAP, and the transfer of lakestcatherine.com to the LSCA. On letter to F&W, board felt response received did not address our concerns, a reply was created to invite F&W to a meeting to discuss. Ed Laird reported on the land donation, moving forward, an appraiser has been secured to appraise the property.
New Business: Jerremy Jones, East Poultney Day mid August, proposed purchasing tent, banner, and table throw for events. Will follow up with board on costs.
Motion to adjourn meeting: 11:18 am
Next meeting: July 23, 2022 at 8:30 AM LSC CC.