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  • Meeting Of The Board Of Trustees - 5/28/22

Meeting Of The Board Of Trustees - 5/28/22

11 Jun 2022 7:35 AM | Jerremy Jones (Administrator)

On Saturday, May 28th, the Lake St. Catherine Association held their first meeting of the 2022 season. Meeting minutes compiled by Jerremy Jones.

Attendance: Jim Canders, Ed Laird, John Belnavis, Mary Jo Teetor, Jerremy Jones, Frank Callahan, Jeff Crandall, Martha Pofit, Nancy Liberatore. Online: Michael Gay, Rob Nesbit. Absent: Bob Williams, Lisa Micich.

Call to Order: President Jim Canders called the meeting to order at 8:40.

Public Comments: None.

President’s Opening Comments: Jim discussed the amount of work needed to be completed this season, noting there are 2 current openings, and upcoming retirement from the board.

Approval of Meeting Minutes: A motion was made to accept the minutes of the last Board Meeting of the LSCA in August, 2021. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Mary Jo presented the 2022 budget. Discussion followed. A few budgeted items were updated from estimated costs to actual costs. A motion was made to accept the report. Motion passed.

Milfoil Management: Jeff Crandall, the herbicide treatment is Monday, June 20, 2022. 2 small sites on the Big Lake (~9 acres), 1 area in Little Lake (~35 acres), 13 sites for the DASH program. DASH cost will increase this season, budget adjusted. Mailed notifications were sent, postings were made on our website and social media pages, emails were sent, and posting of the notification signs was completed on May 20, 2022. The spring plant survey was completed on May 16, 2022 by SOLitude and our DASH team. A discrepancy on our contract with SOLitude, Jeff will follow up. Discussed the misinformation being posted online about LSC, ProcellaCOR and milfoil causing confusion as a result of the LBA applying for a permit. Concern about safety on treatment day were discussed. It was decided to reach out to the Game Warden to ask for coverage on the day of the treatment.

Boat Launch Greeter Program: John Belnavis reports that the Greeter Program is underway for the season at the boat launch in Wells and at the State Park in Poultney. A few of our Greeters from years past have moved away, so we are a few short this season. We’ll advertise that we have openings.

Publicity / Membership: Jerremy Jones, Newsletter available today - will be emailed to members and posted on our sites, printed copies to Wellsmere Farm, Trustees will take a stack to hand out. Constant communication with the lake community through website, Facebook, Front Porch Forum. Membership is strong, starting to pick up again as folks start heading back to the lake. Goal is 400 for 2022, at 314 currently.

Lake Safety: Frank Callahan, Placement of the markers & buoys for the season. Three boating courses scheduled in June and July. 24 signups so far.

Nominating Committee: 2 current openings can be appointed, one retirement in July. Looking for new potential Trustees.

Boat Parade: Jerremy Jones, Boat Parade is Saturday, July 2nd at 1 PM. Registration is open, a few folks have registered. We’ll follow the model from previous years, photos will be taken at the starting line, an online poll will be posted so folks can vote.

Annual Meeting: John will work with the LSCCC to arrange for the Annual Meeting on Saturday July 23, 2022 at 6 PM. Dinner options and costs TBD. Will discuss presentation at next meeting. Will start promotion when dinner options are available. Look at inviting speakers?

Grants: Martha Pofit, Outlined all the grants the LSCA is working on this year, Libraries Love Lakes, LSC Watershed Action Plan, Lake Wise, Stormwater Master Plan, will need help administering, as Martha is stepping down at the end of July.

Old Business: Jerremy Jones, Discussed his appointment to the board of the Federation of Lakes and Ponds (FOVLAP). He is currently working on the website committee as they are currently working to redo their website. Ed Laird, Outlined the land donation to the LSCA, working with owner and Nancy Liberator to sell the property. Motion made to have title search completed. Motion passed. Nancy donating her time to the sale.

New Business: Jerremy Jones, Discussed a draft of a proposed letter to be sent to Shawn Good at Vermont Fish & Wildlife to voice our concerns about descriptions of LSC, characterizations made about our milfoil control efforts, and conclusions made in a recent Bass report that he wrote about LSC. A motion to send the letter was made. Motion passed. The letter will be sent on Tuesday, May 31st.

Motion for adjournment 10:55 AM.

Next meeting: June 25, 2022 at 8:30 AM LSCCC.

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Lake St. Catherine Association
PO Box 631
Wells, VT 05774

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