Good afternoon LSC.
We are happy to report that we have received a $21,910 grant from the Vermont Department Of Environmental Conservation as part of their Aquatic Nuisance Control Grant-In-Aid Program (ANC). Funding for the ANC Grant-in-Aid grants comes from a portion of annual revenues from motorboat registration fees and federal funds.
These funds will be used to help support our Greeter Program, and our Milfoil Control Program.
Greeter Program:
Our Greeters are hard working young adults who have been trained to identify aquatic invasive species (AIS) to stop them from entering LSC. They also educate boaters about the importance of looking for these invasives on their boat or trailer so they are not spread to LSC or another lake.
Their duties include:
- Approaching and interacting with boaters
- Inspecting watercraft
- Identifying and handling suspicious specimens
- Collecting and reporting data
- Distributing educational material on aquatic invasive species
Our Greeters are checking for many invasive species that are just a lake or two away from us. These invasives include zebra mussels, spiny waterflea, asian clams, water chestnuts and starry stonewort:

For reference, check out the Vermont DEC's "Gallery Of Invaders" for photos and descriptions of the aquatic invasive species that are currently found in Vermont and those threatening it.
Our Greeters are on duty at the Boat Launch in Wells and the State Park in Poultney from Memorial Day through Labor Day - working on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. They also cover holidays and fishing tournaments.

Milfoil Control Program:
This grant will also support our Diver Assisted Suction Harvesting (DASH) team.
Our DASH team will begin working on July 1st, and you’ll see them working throughout the summer. They hand pull the milfoil from the bottom of the lakebed by the roots and then suction the full plant to the surface for safe removal from the lake.

This past season, 146 buckets (17.5 gallon) were harvested. The DASH crew picked up an additional 21 buckets (not included in the 146 total) as part of the Community Day cleanup in the Channel & Little Lake back in July.
Here is a quick video of the guys hand-pulling milfoil:
Thank you to the Vermont DEC for their support of Lake St. Catherine!