Good morning LSC.
Last summer, Gina from the Wells Village Library reached out to the LSCA and LSCCF to discuss organizing a 'Libraries Love Lakes' event for Lake St. Catherine.
Libraries Love Lakes is an outreach project which pairs school and public libraries with lake scientists to provide collaborative programming emphasizing the importance of lakes in our everyday lives.
To help fund this exciting event, the LSCA applied for an Education & Outreach grant from the Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP), which we learned that we had earned earlier this year. Thank you LCBP!
Work has begun on on this event, which will take place on Sunday, July 3rd at 10 AM at the Wells Lakeside Park.
This family friendly event will include fun activities, presentations, and boat tours related to all aspects of the lake. Children will receive lake themed kits containing books, and science & creative activities for the day.
After the event, the educational opportunities will continue at the Wells Village Library. Gina has dedicated a section of the library to Lake St. Catherine with pertinent information and activities to further advance lake-related learning. Gina has identified a wide variety of lake-related materials to launch this section of the library which we will be able to purchase via the grant.
Books & activities for the event kits and the library section have started to arrive, and Gina has started to prepare for the new section of the library, the "Lake St. Catherine Collection".

We are all very excited for this event!
Once all the final details are set, we'll let you know all about this fun day at the lake and how to participate.
So, mark your calendar for Sunday, July 3rd for Libraries Love Lakes @ Lake St. Catherine.