Hello LSC and residents of Wells & Poultney,
Saturday, May 7th is Green Up Vermont Day, 4 weeks from today.
Green Up Vermont is a state-wide volunteer cleanup day of Vermont's roads and waterways.
As Green Up Vermont's website says:
"We know it isn’t your litter but Vermont needs our help to be beautiful!"
We had a GREAT turnout last year, covering almost every road around the lake. This year, we are looking to have all the roads covered, and also expand to cover more roads in Wells & Poultney.
We'd like to thank the town of Wells for reaching out to partner on Green Up Vermont Day this year!
We'd like to see if we can get folks around the lake to volunteer to clean up an area, and we'll do our best to coordinate the efforts so we all know what areas are covered, and which areas need volunteers.
Bags are now available for pickup at the Wells & Poultney Town Halls.
Also, we will be hosting a brief kickoff to the day at the Wells Lakeside Park at 8 AM that morning. Please stop in to pick up Green Up bags and fuel up on coffee and muffins from the Wells Country Store to get energized for the day! Please let us know if you'll be joining us so we can get a count.
So, let us know if you'd like to participate and where you'll do your clean up, and we'll add your area to the map. We'll keep the map up-to-date on our Calendar, on the May 7th Green Up Vermont Day event. You can view that here: LSC Green Up Vermont Day Event.
Email us at info@lakestcatherine.org, or contact us on Facebook to volunteer for an area - and we'll add you to the map.
Let's all pitch in to get Lake St. Catherine ready for a great Summer!
Thank you.
2022 Green Up Vermont On LSC and Wells & Poultney map: