Hello good folks in the LSC community. Unfortunately, we have some sad news to report to you today.
Long-time former Lake St. Catherine Association Trustee Harry Bingham has passed away.

Harry & Sylvia receiving the first Lake Wise Award on LSC for their property
You can read about Harry in his obituary appearing on the website of the funeral home here.
We were informed of Harry's passing by his wife Sylvia, who wrote:
"Of course I am greatly saddened with Harry's passing but I am also deeply grateful for the wondrous time Harry and I shared together. For forty-three years, he was my constant companion, support and adventuring buddy. Vacationing at Lake St. Catherine, on service projects or visiting friends and family, Harry's smile and warmth was a gift to us all. Though the light of his eyes has faded, his spirit lives on in the riches of family and friends that have been our life together.
If you want to make a gift in Harry's honor, please send it to your favorite charity- Harry would trust your judgment and be happy to be remembered."
LSCA President Jim Canders wanted to share these comments about Harry:
"It is very sad news to hear of Harry's passing.
He loved the lake and dedicated a great deal of time to work with the Board. Since Harry was an engineer his work was always very well organized.
Harry chaired the Lake Safety committee and established the 'Buoy Buddies'. These were volunteers from around the lake who would assist Harry in building, maintaining, and placing the buoys and markers to insure that boaters were aware of underwater obstacles. Harry told me one time that when he looked out on the lake from his place in Horseshoe Bay, the three cones to the south toward Atwater Bay, reminded him of the term the 'Bermuda Triangle'. He mapped out the location of the buoys and markers and registered this information with the State.
At the beginning of each season Harry contacted the State Police to lobby to have more frequent presence of Marine State Police on the lake during weekends through out the summer months. Since there were very few members of this special State Police Group, it was important to Harry to get his annual request in early. Harry was on a first name basis with the desk sergeant at the Rutland Barracks!
He and Sylvia were always willing to lend a hand to help with the lake. We all thank Harry for his years of hard work and service to Lake St. Catherine. Our sincere condolences to Sylvia and her family."
To send your condolences to Sylvia, her address is:
1001 S. Valley Forge Road WBC 212
Lansdale, PA 19446